
- 章金声编译 著
- 出版社: 新医书局
- 出版时间:1950
- 标注页数:385页
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第一章 常规及普通之处理 Routine and Common Procedures1
急紧处置 Management of Emergencies1
A.急性中毒 Acute Poisoning1
(1)普通原则 General principles1
(2)特效疗法 Specific treatment2
硷 Alkalies4
酒精 Alcohol4
酸 Acid4
苯胺 Aniline5
砷 Arsenic5
阿刀平 Atropine6
巴比士酸盐 Barbi-turate6
一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide7
氯仿 Chloroform 醚 Ether 含水氯醛 Chloral7
鱼蟹(河豚) Fish,Crab8
氰化物 Cyanide8
佛马林 Form-alin9
铅 Lead9
汞 Mercury9
来沙尔 Lysol,石炭酸 Phenol10
鸦片 Opium 吗啡 Morphine10
磷 Phosphor11
山道年 Santonin12
番木鳖硷 Strychniae12
B.糖尿病性昏睡 Diabetic Coma13
C.尿毒症 Uremia13
D.搐搦 Convulsion14
E.肺水肿及心藏衰弱 Palmonary Edema and Cardiac Failure14
F.昏迷之一般事宜 Coma Routine14
体格检查 Physical Examination16
病历 History16
普通事项 General Direction16
Ⅰ.进院病人 All Case on Admission16
总述 Summary 20
化验室检查 Laboratory examination 20
Ⅱ.疾病过程中之病人 All Case During the Course20
Ⅲ.病程及出院记录 Progress and Dischage Notes21
Ⅳ.死亡记录 Death Note22
Ⅴ.会诊记录 Consultation Note22
Ⅵ.转科记录 Transfer Note22
病房常规 Ward Routine23
第一节 内科 Medical Services23
Ⅰ.普通内科 General Medicine23
A.传染病 Infectious Diseases23
伤寒 Typhoid fever23
痢疾 Dysen-tery24
霍乱 Cholera25
肺炎 P-neumonia26
风湿热 Rheunatic fever27
急性脑炎 Acute encephalitis27
急性扁桃腺炎 Acute tonsillitis28
B.变应性疾患 Diseases of Allergy28
哮喘 Asthma28
血清病 Serum di-sease29
C.新陈代谢之疾病 Disease of metabolsm29
糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus29
糖尿病之酸中毒 Acidoais in Diabetes30
D.营养缺乏性疾病 Nutritional deficiency30
脚气病 Beriberi30
E.肺疾病 Pulmonary disease31
Ⅰ.普通处置 Geheral management31
咯血 Hemoptysis31
肺萎陷 Colla-pse of Luug32
枝气管扩张症 Bronchiectasi 32
肺气肿 Emphys-ema33
肺脓疡 Lung abscess 33
F.胃肠道之疾病 Diseases of Gastro-inte-stinal tract34
胃炎 Gatritis34
消化性溃疡 Pepticulcer34
胃癌 Cancer of Stomach 35
便秘 Constipation 35
结核性腹膜炎 Tbc.peritonitis36
G.肝及胆道之疾病 Diseases of Liver and Bile passage36
黄疸 Jaundice36
肝硬化 Cirhosis of Liver38
H.肾疾患 Diseases of Kidney38
普通处置 General measures 38
出血性肾炎(急性期) Hemorrhagic nephritisact 39
肾变性病 Nephrosis 40
尿毒症 Uremia 40
出血性肾炎(慢性期) Hemo-rrhagic nephritis chronic 40
I.循环系疾患 Diseases of circulatory system41
J.造血器之疾病 Diseases of blood form-ing organs43
普通之研究 General studies43
贫血 Anemia 44
白血病 Leukemia 45
紫斑病 Purpura 45
甲状腺机能亢进 Hyperthyroidism 46
K.内分泌腺之疾患 Diseases of ductless glands46
L.巨脾症 Splenomegaly47
M.鸦片? Opium habit47
N.热带病 Tropical Diseases48
痢疾 Dysentheria48
斑疹伤寒 Typhus48
疟疾 Malaria49
黑热病 Kala azar49
血吸虫病 Schistosomiasis50
其他肠虫病 Other helminthiasis51
回归热 Relapsing fever51
钩虫 Anc-ylostomiasis51
化学诊断时病人之准备 Preparations of patients for Laboratory Diagnosis52
Ⅰ.需静脉穿刺之研究事宜 Studies Requite Venepuncture52
A.血之研究 Hematological Studies52
血球体积计算 Hematocrit52
赤血球脆性试验 Fragility of R.B.C. 52
血球沉降率试验 Sedimenation rate 53
凝血时间及血块收缩试验 Coagulation and clot reaction53
黄胆指数 Icterus index53
范登堡试验 Van den Bergh53
B.血液之化学分析 Blood Chemistry—General procedure54
C.血液培养 Blood Culture55
D.血清研究 Serological Studies—General procedure55
Ⅱ.尿之研究 Studies of urine56
Ⅳ.痰之研究 Studies of Sputum57
Ⅲ.脑脊髓液之研究 Studies of C.S.F.57
Ⅴ.大便之研究 Studies of Stool58
Ⅵ.特殊之研究 Special Studies58
阿弟斯计算法 Addis Count 58
酚四溴酜钠 Bromsulphalein test 59
刚果红试验 Congo red test 59
葡萄糖耐受量试验 Glucose tolerance test 60
胃管插入法 Gastric intubation60
奶糖耐受量试验 Ga-lactose tolerance test 60
四十二指肠插入法 Duodenal intubation 61
酸法 Hippuric acid test 62
P.S.P.试验法 62
尿素廓清试验法 urea clearance test 63
Ⅶ.X光之研究 X-ray studies63
普通X光 Plain X-ray 63
食道摄影及喷门摄影 Esophagogram and Cardiogram63
胃肠系 G.I.series63
二次口服胆囊摄影术 Double oral ebolecystography64
古兰试验 Graham test64
Ⅱ.小儿科 Pediatrics66
(Ⅰ)普通常规 General Routin66
进院时 On Admission 66
普通婴儿病人之常规 General infant routin 66
普通儿童之常规 General children routin 67
出院时 On discharge 67
坏血病 Scurvy68
急性肠消化不良 Acute instetinal indiges-68
(Ⅱ)营养性及缺乏性疾患 Nutritional and deficiency diseases68
佝偻病 Rickets69
脚气病 Beriberi69
(Ⅲ)传染病 Infectious diseases69
A.普通处理 Ceneral management70
B.潜伏期表 Table of incuhation period71
白喉 Diphtheria 72
C.特殊之传染病 Special infectious diseases72
猩红热 Scarlet fever73
天花 Small pox 74
麻疹 Measles 74
急性脊髓前灰白质炎 A-cue ant.poliomyelitis 74
百日咳 Whooping cough 75
枝气管肺炎 Bro-nchopneumonia 75
细菌性痢疾 Baci-llar dysenthery 76
水痘 Chickenpox76
风疹 German measles 77
脑膜炎双球菌性脑膜炎 Meningococcus meni-ngitis77
破伤风 Tetanus77
流行性腮腺炎 Mumps 78
斑疹伤寒 Typhus 78
肺结核 Pulmoh-ary tbc.78
先天性梅毒 Congenital syphilis 79
(Ⅳ)搐搦之一般事项 Convulsion routine80
Ⅲ.神经精神病科 Neuropsychiatry81
(Ⅰ)精神病人之检查 Examination of mental patieut81
间接检查或病历 Indirect examination or history82
直接检查(精神状态)Mental status83
(Ⅱ)特效疗法 Special therapeutic Proced-ures86
四氯五甲烷休克疗法 Metrazol Shock Treatment 86
胰岛素休克疗法 Insulin shock treatment 88
面神经麻痹 Facial paralysis90
(Ⅲ)特殊疾患 Special diseases90
发热疗法 Fever therapy90
癫痫 Epilepsy 91
Ⅳ.皮肤科 Dermatology93
(Ⅰ)皮肤科临症之常规 Routin in skin clinic93
梅毒 Syphilis 93
软下疳 Chancroid95
淋巴腺肉芽肿 Lymphogranuloma venerea 95
麻风 Leprosy 95
新生物 Tumor growth 96
霉菌病 Fungus diseases 96
疥疮 Seabies96
(Ⅱ)普通局部治疗之药物 Common drugs used in local treatment97
(Ⅲ)外用药之形式 Forms of external medication99
第二节 外科 Surgical Services101
Ⅰ.普通外科 General Surgery101
(Ⅰ)科一般常规 Surgical routine101
进院时 On admission101
手术前之注意 Preoperative care 102
麻醉时 C-103
are during anesthesia 103
手术后注意 Post-operative care105
(Ⅱ)小外科 Minor Surgery109
A.休克之治疗 Management of skock109
B.创伤 Wounds110
挫伤 Contused wounds110
刺伤 Penetrating wounds111
裂伤 La-cerated wounds111
切伤 Incised wounds111
昆虫咬伤 Insect bites112
传染性创伤 Infected wounds 112
C.坏疽 Gangrene112
急性型 Acnte type——气坏疽 Gas gangr-ene 113
溶血性链球菌坏疽 Hemolytic streptococcus gangrene 113
慢性型 Chronic type——非溶血性链球菌及非溶血葡萄球菌混合传染 Non-hemolytic streptococcus and non-hemolytic sta-phylococcus mixed infection113
阿米巴虫性坏疽 Amebic gangrene 114
D.丹毒 Erysipelas114
梭形螺旋体性坏疽 Fuso-spirochaetal gangrene114
坏疽性脓疱性臁疮 Gangrenous impetigo ecthyma 114
E.烧伤 Burns 温热的 Thermal,化学的 Chemical115
F.瘾及疖 Carbuncles and furuncles116
G.狂犬病 Rabies117
H.痔疮 Hemorrhoids117
I.静脉曲胀 Varicose veins118
K.破伤风 Tetanus119
J.水癌 Noma119
L.顽固性溃肠 Indolent ulcer120
Ⅱ.矫形外科 Orthopedic122
(Ⅰ)普通疗法 General treatment123
(Ⅱ)骨折及移位 Fractures and Dislocations123
A.哆开骨折 Compound fracture123
B.头颅骨折 Fracture of skull123
C.脊椎骨折 Fracture of vertebrae125
(Ⅲ)关节化脓性传染 Pyogenic infection of joint127
(Ⅳ)骨及关节结核 Tuberculosis of bones and joints128
Ⅲ.泌尿科 Urology128
(Ⅰ)普通常规 General Request128
(Ⅱ)诊断及治疗时病人之准备 Preparation of Patient for Diagnosis and Therapeutic Procedures128
膀胱镜检查之准备 For Cystoscopy128
膀胱镜检查后之注意 Postcystoscopic care129
泌尿器普通X光检查之准备 For plain X-ray examination of urinary tract129
urography 130
静脉内注射之泌尿器摄影术准备 For intravenons130
膀胱及肾盂摄影之准备 For cysto-graphy and pyelography 130
留置导尿管之放置法 Instruction for placing retention cath-etens131
(Ⅲ)普通疾病之处理 Management of common diseases132
急性尿潴留症 Acute retention of urine132
急性副睾丸炎 Acute epididymicis132
急性膀胱炎 Acute cystitis 133
急性淋菌性尿道炎 Acute g.c.urethritis134
慢性淋菌性传染 Chronic g.c.infection135
慢性摄护腺炎 Chronic prostatitis 136
Ⅳ.妇产科 Gynecology and Obstetrics138
(Ⅰ)产前病人 Antenatal cases138
A.常规 Routin138
B.早期妊娠之化学诊断 Laboratory diagn-osis for determination of early preg-nancy140
C.妊娠之并发症 Complecation of pregn-ancy140
呕吐 Vomiting 140
先兆惊厥 Pre-ec-Iampsia 141
惊厥 Eclampsia 142
流产(小产)Abortion 143
(Ⅱ)产妇 Natal ceses144
A.特产妇之检查 Examination and Manag-ement Waiting patients144
B.分娩之准备 Preparations of patient for labor145
C.分娩时之注意 Care at time of labor145
D.导产术 Induction of labour146
E.分娩时之止痛及麻醉 Analgesis and anesthesia during labour148
A.一般注意事项 General direction149
(Ⅲ)产后病人 Post-natal cases149
B.分娩后出血 Post-partum hemorrhages151
C.分娩传染 Puerperal infection153
(Ⅳ)新生儿之注意 Case of new borns153
A.生后短时间内 Immediately after birth153
B.婴儿之继续注意 After-care of infants153
C.婴儿意外事项之注意 Care for accidents in infants155
(Ⅴ)一般妇科疾病之处理 Management of common gynecological diseases158
无生殖能 Sterility 158
子宫颈炎 Cervicitis159
月经不正 Dys-menorrhea 159
骨盘内传染 P.I.D.160
子宫位置异常 Malposition of uterus 161
子宫颈癌 Carcinoma of Cervix 161
子宫瘤肿 Uterine tumor 162
卵巢囊肿 Ovarian cyst 162
子宫外妊娠 Ectopic pregnancy 162
Ⅴ.眼科 Ophthalmology162
A.常规 Routine162
B.门诊常见眼病之处理 Management of common eye diseases164
1.泪器疾病 Diseases of lacrymal apparatus164
急性泪囊炎 Acute dacryocystitis,慢性泪囊炎 Chronic dacryocystitis 164
睑缘炎 Blepharitis 165
麦粒肿 Hordeo-lum 165
2.眼睑疾病 Diseases of eye lids165
霰粒肿 Chalazion 166
乱睫 Trichiasis 166
内翻 Ectropion 166
3.结膜疾病 Diseases of conjunctiva166
单纯卡他性结膜炎 Simple catarrhal conj-unctivitis 166
滤泡性结膜炎 Follicular conjunctivitis 166
疱疹性结膜炎 Phly-ctanular conjunctivitis 166
脓性结膜炎 Purulent conjunctivitis 167
砂眼 Tra-choma 167
4.角膜疾病 Diseases of cornea168
单纯性溃疡 Simple ulcer 168
Keratomalacia 168
实质性角膜炎 Kera-titis interstitialis 168
6.网膜疾病 Diseases of retina169
脉络膜炎 Choroiditis169
网膜炎 Retinitis 169
虹膜睫体炎 Iridocyclitis 169
5.血管层疾病 Diseases of uvea tract169
内眼炎 En-dophthalmitis 169
8.水晶体疾体 Diseases of lens170
病历及检查 History and Examinations 170
青年性白内障 Juvenile cataract 170
老年性白内障及外伤性白内障 Senile and traumatic cataraet170
球后视神经炎 Retrobulbar neuritis 170
神神经乳头肿 Choked dise170
7.视神经疾病 Diseases of optic nerve170
Ⅵ.耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology171
常规 Routin171
乳突手术常规 Routine for mastoid operation172
鼻部手术常规 Routine for nasal oper-ation 172
扁桃腺摘除常规 R.for tonsillec-tomy 173
一般鼻腔内检查 R.for Endos-copy 173
气管切开之常规 R.for tracheo-tomy 174
Ⅰ.已采用之合剂 Accepted Composita176
第二章 处方及配剂方 Rescriptions and For-mulne176
Ⅱ.A.内科处方例 Few Example of Medical Prescriptions189
网膜剥杂 Detach-ment of retina 190
B.皮肤科常用处方例 P.Commonly used in in skin clinic197
Ⅲ.剂量及年龄 Dosege and Age203
杨氏法则 Young s rule 203
单纯计法 Sim-ple method 204
Ⅳ.赋形药及溶剂 Vehicles and Solvents204
Ⅴ.禁忌 Incompatibility(General rules)207
Ⅵ.溶解度表 Table of Solubility208
Ⅱ.重量及长度之当量表 Equivalent Table of Measurement210
第三章 常用药物(价格)表 List of Com-monly Used Drugs215
Ⅰ.普通内科用药 General Medicjne215
1.神经系 Nervous system215
A.中枢神经系 Central Nervous System215
兴奋剂 Stimulants 215
制压剂 Depressants215
B.自主神经系 Autonomic nervous system215
2.循环系 Circulatory system218
4.消化系 Digestive system220
3.呼吸系 Respiratory system229
5.泌尿系 Urinary system230
6.特殊药物 Specific remedies232
A.化学疗法 Chemotherapy232
B.血清疗法 Serum therapy237
C.维生素治疗 Vitamin therapy237
D.生物制剂 Biological preparation238
7.其他 Miscellaneous238
Ⅱ.小儿科 Pediatics239
退热剂 Antipyretics 240
祛痰剂 Expect-orants 240
气喘 Asthma 240
化学疗法 Chemotherapy 241
婴儿腹泻 For infan-tile diarrhea 241
泻药 Cathartics 242
驱虫药 Anthelmintics 242
兴奋剂 Stimu-lants 243
镇痛剂及镇静剂 Analgesics and Sedatives244
Ⅲ.皮肤科 Dermatology245
止痛剂及退热剂 Anodynes,Antipruritics and Analgesics245
管养 Nutrition245
收敛剂 Astringents246
腐蚀剂 Caustics246
保护剂 Protective247
消毒剂 Antiseptics247
还元剂 Reducing agents248
杀菌剂及消毒剂 Antiseptics and disinfec-tants 249
其他 Miscellaneous249
Ⅳ.普通外科 General Surgery249
收敛剂 Astrigents 251
化学疗法 Chemotherepy 251
麻醉 Anaesth-esia 251
兴奋剂 Stimulants 253
Ⅴ.产科与妇科 Obstetrics and Gynecology254
止产后出血 For Arresting postpartum he-morrhage254
月经不调 For menstrual disorder255
流产 For abortion256
产褥传染 For puerperal in-fection256
初生儿黄疸 For icterus neonatorum257
贫血 For anemia257
手术后肠无力 For intestinal atonia after operation257
镇静剂 Sedatives258
灌洗剂 Douches258
灌洗后普通用药 Drugs commonly used after douches258
Ⅵ.泌尿系 Urology259
泌尿系消毒药 Urinary antisepties 259
酸尿 Acidfy urine260
硷尿 Aekalify u-rine260
抗痉剂 Antispasmodics 260
点滴 Instillation 261
散瞳剂 Mytriatcs 261
其他 Miscel-laneous 261
冲洗 Irrigtion 261
阳萎及前列(摄护)腺病 Impotence and prostatism 261
沾污 Pollu-tion 261
膀胱无力 Atony of blader 261
Ⅶ.眼科 Ophthalmology262
消毒剂及收敛剂 Antisptics and Astrigents262
局部麻醉 Local anesthesia 263
缩瞳剂 Miotics264
Ⅷ.耳鼻喉科 Otorhinolaryngology265
维生素缺少 Vitamin deficience 265
麻醉剂 Anesthetics 266
退热剂及止痛剂 Antipyretics and anodynes 266
消毒剂及收敛剂 Antiseptics and astrigents 266
清洁剂 Cleansing 267
腐蚀剂 Caustics267
缓和剂 Emollients 267
镇静剂 Se-datives 267
特殊药物 Specific remedies267
Ⅸ.诊断用药 Drugs Used in Diagnosis268
血管收缩剂 Vasconstrictors 268
胆囊机能试验 For gall bladder function 269
胃液之收集 For collection of gastric juice 269
腔腹时间 For intestine emptying time 269
肾机能试验 For renal fuction test 269
肝机能试验 For liver function 269
X光用 For roentgenography270
循环时间 For circulation time 272
感觉试验 For sensitivitv test 272
散大瞳孔 For dilating pupil 272
漏管位置 For Iccalisation of fistula 273
角膜损伤之觉察 For detection of Corneal lesion 273
输卵管腔之试验 For patency of Fallopian tube 273
淀粉样变性 For amyloidosis273
血色素测定 Hemoglobin examination274
赤血球计数 Red cell count274
Ⅰ.血液 Blood274
第四章 病房化验室技术 Ward Laboratory Techniques274
赤血球之特殊研究 Special studies of red cells 275
白血球计数 White cell count 277
血抹片之来脱氏染色方法 Blood smear by wright stain 277
出血时间 Bleeding time 280
血凝固时间及血块收缩 Coagula-tion time and clet retraction 280
球蛋白试验 Globulin test 280
Ⅱ.小便 Urine282
Ⅲ.大便 Stool286
Ⅳ.痰 Sptum287
Ⅴ.脑脊髓液 Cerebrospihal Fluid288
Ⅵ.浆液腔液体 Fluid from serous cavity290
Ⅶ.胃内容 Gastric content290
Ⅷ.细菌之染色 Staining of Bacteria291
第五章 临症技术292
Ⅰ.上颌窦灌洗法 Antrum lavage292
Ⅱ.输血 Blood transfusion292
Ⅳ.导尿 Catheterization296
Ⅲ.骨髓(胸骨)转输 Bone marrow transfusion296
Ⅴ.敷料 Dressing297
Ⅵ.探察穿刺 Exploratory puncture299
腹部放液穿刺 Abdominal paracentesis299
脓疡之抽吸 Aspiration of abscess300
关节之抽吸 Aspiration of joint 300
肝脏穿刺 Live puncture 300
腰椎穿刺 Lumbar puncture 301
脾脏穿刺 Spleen puncture 302
胸骨穿刺 Sternal puncture 303
胸腔穿刺 Thoraceutesis 304
Ⅶ.液体之施用 Fluid administration305
皮下灌注法 Subcutaneous infusion 305
静脉注射 Intravenous injection 306
静脉灌注法 Venoclysis 306
腹膜内灌注 Intraperi-308
toneal infusion308
直肠灌洗术 Proctoclysis 308
Ⅷ.洗胃 Gastric lavage309
Ⅸ.胃肠减压术 Gastrointestinal decompression310
Ⅹ.切开及引流 Incision and drainage311
Ⅺ.尿道灌洗 Meatus and irrigation312
Ⅻ.检眼镜检查法 Ophthalmoscopic examina-tion312
ⅩⅢ.骨盆检查 Pelvic examination314
ⅩⅤ.直肠检查及乙状结肠镜检法 Rectal examina-tion and sigmoidoscopy315
ⅩⅣ.前列腺按摩 Prostatic massage315
ⅩⅥ.血清疗法 Serum therapy317
ⅩⅦ.眼压计测验 Tenometric measurement319
ⅩⅧ.止血带试验 Tourniqust test321
ⅩⅨ.结核素试验 Tuberculin test321
ⅩⅩ.阴道冲洗 Vaginal donche322
ⅩⅪ.静脉厌测定 Venous pressure determina-tion322
ⅩⅫ.静脉切开术 Venesection323
第六章 普通主诉之内在原因 Underlying causes of Common chief complaints324
1.腹腔内容 Abdominal contents324
2.腹部涨大 Abdominal enlarg ment325
4.手足徐动症 Athetosis326
5.共济失调 Ataxia326
6.出血 Bleeding326
3.肥胖病 Adiposity326
7.失明 Blindness327
8.寒颅 Chill328
9.舞蹈病 Chorea328
10.昏厥 Coma328
11.结膜刺激及流泪 Conjunctive irritation and lacrimation329
12.结膜充血 Conjunctival injection329
13.便泌 Constipation329
14.惊厥 Convulsion329
15.咳 Cough330
18.腹泻 Diarrhea331
19.谵妄 Delirium331
20.消化系病 Digestive upset331
16.耳聋 Deafness331
17.变形 Deformities331
21.排出物 Discharge333
22.思睡 Drowsiness337
23.咽下因难 Dysphagia337
24.呼吸困难 Dyspnea338
25.水肿 Edema338
26.咳痰 Expectoration338
27.发热 Fever339
29.淋巴腺肿大 Glandular enlargement340
28.纤维性颤动 Fibrillation340
30.头痛 Headache341
31.呕血 Hematenesis341
32.咳血 Hemoptysis341
33.音哑 Hoarseness of voice341
34.四肢运动不灵 Immobility of extremities341
35.失眠 Insomnia341
39.肝肿大 Liver enlargement342
38.关节痛 Joint pain342
37.黄疸 Jaundice342
36.痒 Itching342
40.白带 Leueorrhea343
41.腰痛 Lumbago343
42.月经障碍 Menstrual Disturbances343
43.精神障碍 Mental Disturebances347
44.眼球震荡 Nystagmus348
45.耳漏 Otorrhea348
46.疼痛 Pain348
47.大便疼痛及困难 Painful and Difficult Defec-ation352
48.苍白 Pallor352
49.心悸 Palpitation352
50.麻痹 Paralysis353
51.生长障碍 Retardation of Growth353
52.阴囊肿 Scrotal Tumor353
53.感觉障碍 Sensory Disturbance354
54.休克 Shock360
55.皮肤显相 Skin Manifestation361
56.喉炎症 Sore Throat365
57.痉挛 Spasm365
58.脾肿大 Splenomegaly365
59.生殖无能 Sterility367
60.粪便异常 Stool Abnormalities368
61.局部肿胀 Swelling,local368
62.耳鸣 Tinnitus368
63.震颤 Tremor369
64.小便障碍 Urinary Disturbance369
65.眩晕 Vertigo370
66.呕吐 Vomiting370
67.衰弱 Weakness370
附录 Appendix371
Ⅰ.食物 Diet371
Ⅱ.正常数量 Normal Valuea377
Ⅲ.药用简写字 Abbreviations Accepted to Pharmacies383
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