

  • 谈镐生著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:7030107829
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:461页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:494页
  • 主题词:谈镐生(1916~2005)-文集;力学-文集;应用数学-文集


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The aerodynamics of supersonic biplanes WR Sears,HS Tan1

Strength of reflected shock in Mach reflection HS Tan11

On laminar boundary layer over a rotating blade HS Tan12

A unique law for ideal incompressible flow with preserved pattern of finite separation HS Tan14

On motion of submerged cylinder HS Tan17

On source and vortex of fluctuating strength traveling beneath a free surface HS Tan18

Waves produced by a pulsating source traveling beneath a free surface HS Tan22

On optimum nose curves for missiles in the superaerodynamic regime HS Tan29

On optimum nose curves for superaerodynamic missiles HS Tan30

On a special bolza variational problem,and the minimization of superaerodynamic hypersonic nose drag HS Tan31

Nose drag in free-molecule flow and its minimization HS Tan35

Final-stage decay ofa single line vortex HS Tan,SC Ling42

Final stage decay ofgrid-produced turbulence HS Tan,SC Ling44

Study of inhomogeneous turbulence DA Lee,HS Tan51

大陆板块的经验规律 谈镐生 关德相58

光学共振腔稳定性的普遍条件 谈镐生 朱如曾62

岩石圈板块的统一运动规律 谈镐生 关德相70

板块运动的统一经验性规律和驱动机理 谈镐生 关德相72


The aerodynamics of supersonic biplanes offinite span HS Tan79

Second approximation to conical flows HS Tan162

On Mach reflection and strength of reflected shock HS Tan230

Solution of a singular boundary value problem by hydrodynamic construction HS Tan255

On expanding two dimensional flow solution in powers of a thickness parameter HS Tan259

On the propagation of stress waves HS Tan290

Optimum bodies of revolution in diffuse free-molecule flow HS Tan292

A study ofatmospheric turbulence and canopy flow HS Tan,SC Ling334


Optimum nonslender bodies of revolution Hao Sung Tan347

Method of strain energy HS Tan353


On fluid motion induced by an oscillating body traveling beneath a free surface HS Tan358

On number of distinct components of a completely symmetric tensor of rank m in n-space HS Tan365

Concerning components of a Riemann-Christoffel tensor HS Tan369

Logarithemic potentials and theory offunctions HS Tan372

A generalized variational problem HS Tan377

On the princilple of the finite part HS Tan385


关于制定自然科学学科发展规划会议的几点意见 谈镐生402

关于力学学科的基础性和现代化 谈镐生407

力学和它的发展 谈镐生412

科普工作之我见 谈镐生421

关键是调动大家的积极性 谈镐生422

其身正不令而行 谈镐生423

要在业务上进行具体的指导 谈镐生424

没有学术活动的研究室是没有生命的 谈镐生425

略论科学技术的现代化 谈镐生426

力学是什么样的学科 谈镐生428

力学向何处去 谈镐生429

力学向何处去 谈镐生430

两个文明并举四化必胜 谈镐生431

谈谈生物力学 谈镐生432

力学到底是干什么的 谈镐生435

我大半生实践的一些感受 谈镐生440

力学的展望——介绍“基础力学” 谈镐生441

与「科学家」的读者谈科学家 谈镐生444

努力创造一个人才辈出人尽其才的新局面 谈镐生446

正确对待新的技术革命 谈镐生448

如梦六十年 谈镐生449

谈镐生先生生平 朱如曾 严锺敏452
