C++ Primer 第4版 评注版 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)李普曼著 著
- 出版社: 北京:电子工业出版社
- ISBN:9787121174414
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:662页
- 文件大小:209MB
- 文件页数:689页
- 主题词:C语言-程序设计-教材
C++ Primer 第4版 评注版 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter 1 Getting Started(新增评注29条)1
1.1 Writing a Simple C++ Program2
1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program3
1.2 A First Look at Input/Output5
1.2.1 Standard Input and Output Objects5
1.2.2 A Program that Uses the IO Library5
1.3 A Word About Comments8
1.4 Control Structures10
1.4.1 The while Statement10
1.4.2 The for Statement12
1.4.3 The if Statement14
1.4.4 Reading an Unknown Number of Inputs15
1.5 Introducing Classes17
1.5.1 The Sales_item Class17
1.5.2 A First Look at Member Functions20
1.6 The C++ Program21
Part Ⅰ The Basics23
Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types(新增评注42条)25
2.1 Primitive Built-in Types26
2.1.1 Integral Types26
2.1.2 Floating-Point Types28
2.2 Literal Constants29
2.3 Variables33
2.3.1 What Is a Variable?34
2.3.2 The Name of a Variable36
2.3.3 Defining Objects37
2.3.4 Variable Initialization Rules39
2.3.5 Declarations and Definitions41
2.3.6 Scope of a Name42
2.3.7 Define Variables Where They Are Used43
2.4 const Qualifier44
2.5 References46
2.6 Typedef Names48
2.7 Enumerations48
2.8 Class Types49
2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files52
2.9.1 Designing Our Own Headers53
2.9.2 A Brief Introduction to the Preprocessor55
Chapter 3 Library Types(新增评注30条)59
3.1 Namespace using Declarations60
3.2 Library string Type62
3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings62
3.2.2 Reading and Writing strings62
3.2.3 Operations on strings64
3.2.4 Dealing with the Characters of a string68
3.3 Library vector Type70
3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vectors70
3.3.2 Operations on vectors72
3.4 Introducing Iterators74
3.4.1 Iterator Arithmetic78
3.5 Library bitset Type79
3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets79
3.5.2 Operations on bitsets81
Chapter 4 Arrays and Pointers(新增评注33条)85
4.1 Arrays86
4.1.1 Defining and Initializing Arrays86
4.1.2 Operations on Arrays89
4.2 Introducing Pointers89
4.2.1 What Is a Pointer?90
4.2.2 Defining and Initializing Pointers91
4.2.3 Operations on Pointers94
4.2.4 Using Pointers to Access Array Elements96
4.2.5 Pointers and the const Qualifier99
4.3 C-Style Character Strings102
4.3.1 Dynamically Allocating Arrays106
4.3.2 Interfacing to Older Code110
4.4 Multidimensioned Arrays111
4.4.1 Pointers and Multidimensioned Arrays113
Chapter 5 Expressions(新增评注49条)115
5.1 Arithmetic Operators117
5.2 Relational and Logical Operators119
5.3 The Bitwise Operators121
5.3.1 Using bitset Objects or Integral Values123
5.3.2 Using the Shift Operators for IO124
5.4 Assignment Operators125
5.4.1 Assignment Is Right Associative125
5.4.2 Assignment Has Low Precedence126
5.4.3 Compound Assignment Operators127
5.5 Increment and Decrement Operators127
5.6 The Arrow Operator129
5.7 The Conditional Operator130
5.8 The sizeof Operator131
5.9 Comma Operator132
5.10 Evaluating Compound Expressions132
5.10.1 Precedence132
5.10.2 Associativity133
5.10.3 Order of Evaluation135
5.11 The new and delete Expressions137
5.12 Type Conversions140
5.12.1 When Implicit Type Conversions Occur141
5.12.2 The Arithmetic Conversions142
5.12.3 Other Implicit Conversions143
5.12.4 Explicit Conversions145
5.12.5 When Casts Might Be Useful145
5.12.6 Named Casts145
5.12.7 Old-Style Casts147
Chapter 6 Statements(新增评注29条)149
6.1 Simple Statements150
6.2 Declaration Statements151
6.3 Compound Statements(Blocks)151
6.4 Statement Scope152
6.5 The if Statement153
6.5.1 The if Statement else Branch154
6.6 The switch Statement156
6.6.1 Using a switch156
6.6.2 Control Flow within a switch157
6.6.3 The default Label158
6.6.4 switch Expression and Case Labels159
6.6.5 Variable Definitions inside a switch159
6.7 The while Statement160
6.8 The for Loop Statement162
6.8.1 Omitting Parts of the for Header163
6.8.2 Multiple Definitions in the forHeader164
6.9 The do while Statement165
6.10 The break Statement166
6.11 The continue Statement167
6.12 The goto Statement168
6 13 try Blocks and Exception Handling169
6.13.1 A throw Expression169
6.13.2 The try Block170
6.13.3 Standard Exceptions172
6.14 Using the Preprocessorfor Debugging173
Chapter 7 Functions(新增评注56条)175
7.1 Defining a Function176
7.1.1 Function Return Type177
7.1.2 Function Parameter List178
7.2 Argument Passing179
7.2.1 Nonreference Parameters179
7.2.2 Reference Parameters181
7.2.3 vector and Other Container Parameters185
7.2.4 Array Parameters186
7.2.5 Managing Arrays Passed to Functions188
7.2.6 main:Handling Command-Line Options190
7.2.7 Functions with Varying Parameters191
7.3 The return Statement191
7.3.1 Functions with No Return Value191
7.3.2 Functions that Return a Value192
7.3.3 Recursion195
7.4 Function Declarations196
7.4.1 Default Arguments197
7.5 Local Objects199
7.5.1 Automatic Objects199
7.5.2 Static Local Objects200
7.6 Inline Functions200
7.7 Class Member Functions202
7.7.1 Defining the Body of a Member Function203
7.7.2 Defining a Member Function Outside the Class204
7.7.3 Writing the Sales item Constructor205
7.7.4 Organizing Class Code Files207
7.8 Overloaded Functions208
7.8.1 Overloading and Scope210
7.8.2 Function Matching and Argument Conversions211
7.8.3 The Three Steps in Overload Resolution212
7.8.4 Argument-Type Conversions214
7.9 Pointers to Functions217
Chapter 8 The IO Library(新增评注11条)221
8.1 An Object-Oriented Library222
8.2 Condition States224
8.3 Managing the Output Buffer227
8 4 File Input and Output229
8.4.1 Using File Stream Objects229
8.4.2 File Modes232
8.4.3 A Program to Open and Check Input Files234
8.5 String Streams234
Part Ⅱ Containers and Algorithms237
Chapter 9 Sequential Containers(新增评注54条)239
9.1 Defining a Sequential Container240
9.1.1 Initializing Container Elements241
9.1.2 Constraints on Types that a Container Can Hold243
9.2 Iterators and Iterator Ranges244
9.2.1 Iterator Ranges246
9.2.2 Some Container Operations Invalidate Iterators247
9.3 Sequence Container Operations248
9.3.1 Container Typedefs248
9.3.2 begin and end Members249
9.3.3 Adding Elements to a Sequential Container249
9.3.4 Relational Operators252
9.3.5 Container Size Operations254
9.3.6 Accessing Elements255
9.3.7 Erasing Elements256
9.3.8 Assignment and swap258
9.4 How a vector Grows259
9.4.1 capacity and reserve Members260
9.5 Deciding Which Container to Use262
9.6 strings Revisited264
9.6.1 Other Ways to Construct strings266
9.6.2 Other Ways to Change a string267
9.6.3 string-Only Operations268
9.6.4 string Search Operations270
9.6.5 Comparing strings272
9.7 Container Adaptors274
9.7.1 Stack Adaptor275
9.7.2 Queue and Priority Queue276
Chapter 10 Associative Containers(新增评注22条)279
10.1 Preliminaries:the pair Type280
10.2 Associative Containers282
10.3 The map Type283
10.3.1 Defining a map283
10.3.2 Types Defined by map284
10.3.3 Adding Elements to a map285
10.3.4 Subscripting a map285
10.3.5 Using map::insert287
10.3.6 Finding and Retrieving a map Element289
10.3.7 Erasing Elements from a map290
10.3.8 Iterating across a map290
10.3.9 A Word Transformation Map291
10.4 The set Type293
10.4.1 Defining and Using sets293
10.4.2 Building a Word-Exclusion Set295
10.5 The multimap and multiset Types296
10.5.1 Adding and Removing Elements296
10.5.2 Finding Elements in a multimap or multiset296
10.6 Using Containers:Text-Query Program299
10.6.1 Design of the Query Program300
10.6.2 TextQuery Class301
10.6.3 Using the TextQuery Class302
10.6.4 Writing the Member Functions304
Chapter 11 Generic Algorithms(新增评注18条)307
11.1 Overview308
11.2 A First Look at the Algorithms311
11.2.1 Read-Only Algorithms311
11.2.2 Algorithms that Write Container Elements313
11.2.3 Algorithms that Reorder Container Elements315
11.3 Revisiting Iterators319
11.3.1 Insert Iterators319
11.3.2 iostream Iterators320
11.3.3 Reverse Iterators324
11.3.4 const Iterators327
11.3.5 The Five Iterator Categories327
11.4 Structure of Generic Algorithms330
11.4.1 Algorithm Parameter Patterns330
11.4.2 Algorithm Naming Conventions331
11.5 Container-Specific Algorithms332
Part Ⅲ Classes and Data Abstraction335
Chapter 12 Classes(新增评注26条)337
12.1 Class Definitions and Declarations338
12.1.1 Class Definitions:A Recap338
12.1.2 Data Abstraction and Encapsulation339
12.1.3 More on Class Definitions341
12.1.4 Class Declarations versus Definitions344
12.1.5 Class Objects345
12.2 The Implicit this Pointer346
12.3 Class Scope349
12.3.1 Name Lookup in Class Scope351
12.4 Constructors355
12.4.1 The Constructor Initializer357
12.4.2 Default Arguments and Constructors360
12.4.3 The Default Constructor361
12.4.4 Implicit Class-Type Conversions363
12.4.5 Explicit Initialization of Class Members365
12.5 Friends366
12.6 static Class Members368
12.6.1 static Member Functions369
12.6.2 static Data Members370
Chapter 13 Copy Control(新增评注30条)373
13.1 The Copy Constructor374
13.1.1 The Synthesized Copy Constructor377
13.1.2 Defining Our Own Copy Constructor377
13.1.3 Preventing Copies378
13.2 The Assignment Operator379
13.3 The Destructor380
13.4 A Message-Handling Example382
13.5 Managing Pointer Members387
13.5.1 Defining Smart Pointer Classes389
13.5.2 Defining Valuelike Classes393
Chapter 14 Overloaded Operations and Conversions(新增评注31条)395
14.1 Defining an Overloaded Operator396
14.1.1 Overloaded Operator Design399
14.2 Input and Output Operators402
14.2.1 Overloading the Output Operator<<402
14.2.2 Overloading the Input Operator>>404
14.3 Arithmetic and Relational Operators405
14.3.1 Equality Operators406
14.3.2 Relational Operators407
14.4 Assignment Operators408
14.5 Subscript Operator409
14.6 Member Access Operators410
14.7 Increment and Decrement Operators413
14.8 Call Operator and Function Objects416
14.8.1 Using Function Objects with Library Algorithms417
14.8.2 Library-Defined Function Objects418
14.8.3 Function Adaptors for Function Objects419
14.9 Conversions and Class Types420
14.9.1 Why Conversions Are Useful421
14.9.2 Conversion Operators421
14.9.3 Argument Matching and Conversions424
14.9.4 Overload Resolution and Class Arguments427
14.9.5 Overloading,Conversions,and Operators430
Part Ⅳ Object-Oriented and Generic Programming435
Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Programming(新增评注56条)437
15.1 OOP:An Overview438
15.2 Defining Base and Derived Classes439
15.2.1 Defining a Base Class440
15.2.2 protected Members441
15.2.3 Derived Classes442
15.2.4 virtual and Other Member Functions445
15.2.5 Public,Private,and Protected Inheritance448
15.2.6 Friendship and Inheritance452
15.2.7 Inheritance and Static Members452
15.3 Conversions and Inheritance453
15.3.1 Derived-to-Base Conversions453
15.3.2 Conversions from Base to Derived455
15.4 Constructors and Copy Control456
15.4.1 Base-Class Constructors and Copy Control456
15.4.2 Derived-Class Constructors456
15.4.3 Copy Control and Inheritance459
15.4.4 Virtual Destructors462
15.4.5 Virtuals in Constructors and Destructors463
15.5 Class Scope under Inheritance464
15.5.1 Name Lookup Happens at CompileTime464
15.5.2 Name Collisions and Inheritance465
15.5.3 Scope and Member Functions466
15.5.4 Virtual Functions and Scope467
15.6 Pure Virtual Functions468
15.7 Containers and Inheritance469
15.8 Handle Classes and Inheritance470
15.8.1 A Pointerlike Handle471
15.8.2 Cloning an Unknown Type473
15.8.3 Using the Handle475
15.9 Text Queries Revisited478
15.9.1 An Object-Oriented Solution479
15.9.2 A Valuelike Handle480
15.9.3 The Query_base Class482
15.9.4 The Query Handle Class483
15.9.5 The Derived Classes485
15.9.6 The eval Functions487
Chapter 16 Templates and Generic Programming(新增评注31条)491
16.1 Template Definitions492
16.1.1 Defining a Function Template492
16.1.2 Defining a Class Template494
16.1.3 Template Parameters495
16.1.4 Template Type Parameters497
16.1.5 Nontype Template Parameters499
16.1.6 Writing Generic Programs500
16.2 Instantiation501
16.2.1 Template Argument Deduction503
16.2.2 Function-Template Explicit Arguments506
16.3 Template Compilation Models508
16.4 Class Template Members511
16.4.1 Class-Template Member Functions513
16.4.2 Template Arguments for Nontype Parameters517
16.4.3 Friend Declarations in Class Templates517
16.4.4 Queue and Queue Item Friend Declarations520
16.4.5 Member Templates522
16.4.6 The Complete Queue Class524
16.4.7 static Members of Class Templates525
16.5 A Generic Handle Class526
16.5.1 Defining the Handle Class527
16.5.2 Using the Handle528
16.6 Template Specializations530
16.6.1 Specializing a Function Template531
16.6.2 Specializing a Class Template533
16.6.3 Specializing Members but Not the Class535
16.6.4 Class-Template Partial Specializations536
16.7 Overloading and Function Templates537
Part Ⅴ Advanced Topics541
Chapter 17 Tools for Large Programs(新增评注37条)543
17.1 Exception Handling544
17.1.1 Throwing an Exception of Class Type545
17.1.2 Stack Unwinding546
17.1.3 Catching an Exception548
17.1.4 Rethrow549
17.1.5 The Catch-All Handler550
17.1.6 Function Try Blocks and Constructors550
17.1.7 Exception Class Hierarchies551
17.1.8 Automatic Resource Deallocation553
17.1.9 The auto_ptr Class555
17.1.10 Exception Specifications559
17.1.11 Function Pointer Exception Specifications562
17.2 Namespaces563
17.2.1 Namespace Definitions563
17.2.2 Nested Namespaces567
17.2.3 Unnamed Namespaces568
17.2.4 Using Namespace Members569
17.2.5 Classes,Namespaces,and Scope573
17.2.6 Overloading and Namespaces575
17.2.7 Namespaces and Templates578
17.3 Multiple and Virtual Inheritance578
17.3.1 Multiple Inheritance578
17.3.2 Conversions and Multiple Base Classes581
17.3.3 Copy Control for Multiply Derived Classes583
17.3.4 Class Scope under Multiple Inheritance583
17.3.5 Virtual Inheritance586
17.3.6 Virtual Base Class Declaration587
17.3.7 Special Initialization Semantics589
Chapter 18 Specialized Tools and Techniques(新增评注22条)593
18.1 Optimizing Memory Allocation594
18.1.1 Memory Allocation in C++594
18.1.2 The allocator Class595
18.1.3 operator new and operator delete Functions598
18.1.4 Placement new Expressions600
18.1.5 Explicit Destructor Invocation601
18.1.6 Class Specific new and delete601
18.1.7 A Memory-Allocator Base Class603
18.2 Run-Time Type Identification608
18.2.1 The dynamic_cast Operator609
18.2.2 The typeid Operator611
18.2.3 Using RTTI612
18.2.4 The type_info Class614
18.3 Pointer to Class Member615
18.3.1 Declaring a Pointer to Member615
18.3.2 Using a Pointer to Class Member617
18.4 Nested Classes620
18.4.1 A Nested-Class Implementation620
18.4.2 Name Lookup in Nested Class Scope623
18.5 Union:A Space-Saving Class625
18.6 Local Classes627
18.7 Inherently Nonportable Features629
18.7.1 Bit-fields629
18.7.2 volatile Qualifier630
18.7.3 Linkage Directives:extern"C"632
Appendix A The Library635
A.1 Library Names and Headers636
A.2 A Brief Tour of the Algorithms637
A.2.1 Algorithms to Find an Object637
A.2.2 Other Read-Only Algorithms638
A.2.3 Binary-Search Algorithms639
A.2.4 Algorithms that Write Container Elements639
A.2.5 Partitioning and Sorting Algorithms641
A.2.6 General Reordering Operations643
A.2.7 Permutation Algorithms644
A.2.8 Set Algorithms for Sorted Sequences645
A.2.9 Minimum and Maximum Values646
A.2.10 Numeric Algorithms646
A.3 The IO Library Revisited648
A.3.1 Format State648
A.3.2 Many Manipulators Change the Format State648
A.3.3 Controlling Output Formats649
A.3.4 Controlling Input Formatting654
A.3.5 Unformatted Input/Output Operations655
A.3.6 Single-Byte Operations655
A.3.7 Multi-Byte Operations656
A.3.8 Random Access to a Stream658
A.3.9 Reading and Writing to the Same File660
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