
- 朱大卫编著 著
- 出版社: 上海:东方出版中心
- ISBN:7806275193
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:279页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:292页
- 主题词:商业-英语-口语(学科: 教材) 英语-商业-口语(学科: 教材) 口语-英语-商业(学科: 教材)
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Part Ⅰ.English Conversation for Commerce 商业英语会话1
1.Composition ofFabric 织物成分(1)(2)1
2.Comparison of Features of Fabrics 织物性能比较5
3.How Much Material Is Needed 用料多少7
4.Design 图案9
5.Hand-made or Made by Machine 手工还是机制11
6.Making up Deficiency of Price 补价差13
7.Quality Guaranteed 保质14
8.Freshness 鲜度17
9.How Is It Sold 怎样出售(1)(2)(3)19
10.Selection of Commodity 挑选商品(1)(2)(3)25
11.Intensity 烈度31
12.Factors Affecting Price 影响价格的因素(1)(2)34
13.Recommendation of Commodity 推荐商品(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)39
14.Genuine or Imitation 真品或仿制品(1)(2)(3)(4)54
15.Material Used 材质62
16.Workmanship 工艺64
17.Strong and Poor Points 优缺点(1)(2)(3)66
18.Commentary 评论72
19.Reasons for Price Difference 价差原因(1)(2)74
20.Style 款式78
21.Comment on Quality 质量说明80
22.What Do You Prefer 你喜欢什么81
23.New Products 新产品83
24.Capacity 容量,能力85
25.Action and Dosage 作用和服法(1)(2)87
26.How to Use It 使用方法91
27.A Problem of Quality or Not 是否质量问题(1)(2)93
28.Packing 包装(1)(2)97
29.Weight 重量100
30.Maintenance 维修102
31.Clothes Made to Measure 定做衣服(1)(2)104
32.Appearance 造型108
33.Dating of Curios 古玩年代110
34.Appreciation and Value 欣赏与价值111
35.Size 尺寸114
36.Asking for Discount 要求折扣117
37.Payments and Receipts 收付120
38.Exchange 汇兑122
39.Returned Purchase 退货124
40.Delivery of Goods 交货126
Part Ⅱ.English Conversation for Foreign Trade 外贸英语会话129
一、Quality 品质129
1.Catalog 商品目录129
2.Comparison of Types 比较型号131
3.Novel Style 新颖款式134
4.Sizes and Colors 尺寸和颜色136
5.Adaptation of Sample 修改样品138
二、Quantity 数量140
1.Change in Quantity 数量变动140
2.Inventory-Sales Ratio 存货销售比例143
1.Discussion of Price 讨论价格145
2.Discount 折扣148
3.Market and Price 市场与价格149
四、Packing 包装152
1.Particular about Packing 讲究包装152
2.Shipping Marks 运输标志155
3.Improvement of Consumer Package 销售包装的改进157
五、Delivery and Shipment 交货与运输160
1.Delivery in Due Course 按期交货160
2.Supply in Time 及时供货163
3.More or Less Clause 溢短装条款165
4.Material Unavailable 原料供应不上167
六、Payment 支付169
1.Favorable and Adverse Exchange170
2.Payment in Advance 预付款175
3.Not Worth Opening A Letter of Credit 不值得开信用证177
七、Other Trade Terms and Methods of Conducting Trade 其他贸易条件和方式178
1.Marine Insurance 海运保险179
2.General Articles 一般条款184
3.Liability for Default 过失责任186
4.Sole Agency 独家代理188
Part Ⅲ.English Conversation for International Settlement 国际结算英语会话188
1.Conditions on Which Payment Is Made 支付条件191
2.Examination of Application 审查申请书193
3.Who Shall Bearthe Expenses 谁负担费用195
4.Verification of the Expenses 核查费用196
5.Date of Shipment 装运期198
6.Partial Shipment 分批装200
7.Transhipment 转船201
8.Settlement of the Storage Charge 结算仓储费203
9.Roundabout of the Original Bill of Lading 提单原件下落204
10.Sending Credit Advice 寄发贷记通知206
11.Documents the Letter of Credit Requires 信用证规定的单证207
12.Completing the Documents 收齐单证209
13.Documents Not Represented in the Letter of Credit 信用证没有要求的单证211
14.Extension of Validity 延长有效期212
15.Documents for Negotiation 议付单证214
16.Discrepancy 不符点216
17.Amendment to the Letter of Credit 改证217
18.Payment under Reserve 保留支付219
19.Reimbursement 偿付221
20.For What Dishonour Is Made 为什么拒付223
Part Ⅳ.English Conversation for Marine Cargo Insurance 海上货物运输保险英语会话一、Underwriting 承保226
二、Settlement of Claim 赔付228
三、Other Tings in respect of Insurance 有关保险的其他问题231
1.Significance and Kinds of Insurance 保险意义和种类231
2.Insurance Documents 保险单证233
3.Claim Documents 索赔单证235
4.Warehouse to Warehouse Cover 仓至仓保险236
5.Collision 碰撞237
6.General Average 共同海损240
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