
- 林建国编著 著
- 出版社: 武汉:湖北教育出版社
- ISBN:7535125697
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:311页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:330页
- 主题词:
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Part One Sentence Structure in Composition 第一部 在炼意中炼句1
Unit 1.Statement of Thought and the Sentence in Composition 思想表达和句子1
1.1 Structuring Ideas through the Manipulation of Sentence Structure in Composition1
1.2 A Fundamental Truth about Prose2
1)Syntactical Effect3
2)Contextual Effect4
Unit 2.Emphatic Positions in Sentence 句子的强调位置7
2.1 Exploiting the Natural Positions7
1)The Beginning7
2)The End9
2.2 Exploiting the Unnatural Emphatic Positions13
1)Using Special Sentence Patterns13
2)Using Mechanical Devices14
Unit 3.Subordination 从属关系17
3.1 The Main Statement and the Contributing Ideas17
3.2 Syntactical Effect18
1)Adverbial Clause18
2)Adjective Clause19
3)Noun Clause20
3.3 Faulty Subordination22
Unit 4.Participles 分词29
4.1 Usage29
4.2 Positions31
1)Front,Middle and End Position in General31
2)Logical Sequence32
3)Cause and Effect32
4)Supporting Details32
4.3 Incorrect Reference33
Unit 5.Appositives and Noun Cluster 同位语与名词组合结构38
5.1 What is an Appositive38
5.2 Usage39
5.3 Words or Phrases of the Same Syntactic Class45
5.4 Indicators of Appositives46
5.5 Noun Cluster46
Unit 6.Prepositional Phrases 由介词短语构成的从属关系50
6.1 Usage50
6.2 Positions52
Unit 7 Absolutes 独立结构62
7.1 Definition and Uses of the Nominative Absolute62
7.2 Positions of Absolute64
7.3 The Making of the Nominative Absolute66
7.4 Where Is the Main Clause?69
Unit 8.Special Coordination 特殊并列结构75
8.1 The Usage of Special Coordination75
1)Force and Clarity75
2)Variety and Brevity76
3)Harmony and Rhythm77
8.2 Three Kinds of Special Coordination78
2)Balance or Antithesis82
8.3 Analysis of a Paragraph84
8.4 Faulty Parallelism86
Unit 9.Run-on Sentences 连续句90
9.1 Legitimate Run-On Sentences90
9.2 Illegitimate Run-On Sentences91
9.3 Why Does the Student—Especially the Chinese Student—Make Such Kind of Mistakes?91
9.4 Revision96
Unit 10.Loose,Periodic and Balanced Sentences 松散句,紧凑句和平衡句99
10.1 The General Classification of English Sentences99
10.2 The Use of the Loose and the Periodic Sentence101
10.3 The Mixed Loose,Periodic and Balanced Sentences101
Unit 11.The Long Sentence and The Short Sentences 长、短句104
11.1 The Distinctive Uses of Long and Short Sentences104
11.2 A Succession of Short Sentences106
11.3 The Short Sentence107
11.4 The Long Sentence109
11.5 Avoid Excessive and Overlapping Long Sentences114
Unit 12.Transitions 衔接转换语123
12.1 What Is a Transition?123
12.2 Do You Need a Transition?125
12.3 The Two Kinds of Transitions in General127
Unit 13.The Sentence Fragment and Rhetorical Questios 不完整句与修辞问句138
13.1 Sentence Fragment138
13.2 The Rhetorical Questions(修辞问句)140
Unit 14.Economy 简洁142
14.1 A Fundamental Truth142
14.2 Sentence Embeded in Sentence142
14.3 Elimination144
Unit 15.Imagery 意象148
15.1 How Does Imagery Work?148
15.2 Why Does Imagery Work?152
Unit 16.Liveliness 生动158
16.1 Introduction158
16.2 Two Types of Description158
Unit 17.Unity,Coherence,Variety and Emphasis 统一、连贯、变化与强调163
17.1 Introduction163
17.2 The Fundamental Requirements of Sentence and Composition Building163
17.3 General Principles of Arrangement of Sentence Structure166
Unit 18.Denotation and Connotation 外延与内涵170
18.1 Two Ways of Using the Language170
18.2 How to Determine Whether the Language is Denotative or Connotative?170
18.3 Which Kind of Language Suits Better to Description?172
Unit 19.Style—Formal and Informal 文体——正式、非正式176
19.1 Introduction176
19.2 Why Is It Necessary to Know the Appropriate Use of Vocabulary and Language?176
19.3 The Stylistic Divisions in General177
19.4 Avoidance in Academic Written English177
19.5 Mixed General and Informal182
19.6 Mixed General and Colloquial(sentence structure,diction and tone)183
19.7 Inappropriate Mix(formal and colloquial)184
19.8 Two Broad Categories of English185
Part Two Summing Up 第二部 在炼意(谋篇)中炼词、炼句189
Unit 1.Sentence Combining and Rearranging 句子合并与重组189
Unit 2.Paragraph Writing 段落写作195
2.1 Paragraph Development by Definition,Induction and Generalization195
2.2 Paragraph Development by Comparison,Definition,Restatement and Example196
2.3 Development by Contrast and Restatement198
2.4 Development by Restatement,Cause and Effect200
2.5 Development by Comparison and Contrast,Example and Restatement201
2.6 Development by Example202
2.7 Development by Various Means—Example,Restatement and Generalization202
2.8 Development by Listing203
2.9 Development by Time and Space204
Unit 3.Precis and Summary Writing 缩写与摘要208
Unit 4.Report Writing 报导220
4.1 Informative Reports220
4.2 Persuasive Reports224
Unit 5.Paraphrase 释义225
Unit 6.Review 书评229
Unit 7.Miscellaneous 其它240
7.1 A Page of Diary240
7.2 Introducing a Speaker240
7.3 Say a few words after the contest for"Ten Star Singers in English Songs"241
7.4 Why Do You Study English?241
7.5 Deny!Why!241
Key To Exercises 练习答案249
Bibliography 参考书311
- 682923.html
- 1123589.html
- 63994.html
- 1351763.html
- 103450.html
- 3721627.html
- 1892754.html
- 124357.html
- 1430248.html
- 2750273.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2876867.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1072649.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_432628.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2324440.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1486696.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1747215.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2635284.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1074142.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2392633.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_364991.html