

  • 陈筝著 著
  • 出版社: 南京:东南大学出版社
  • ISBN:7564167721
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:176页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:186页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter Ⅰ Introduction1

1.1 Background1

1.2 Problem Statement2

1.3 Research Questions and Objectives3

1.4 Study Significance5

1.5 Study Organization5

Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review6

2.1 The Concerns of Landscape Architecture Practice6

2.1.1 Professionalization and Knowledge in Modern Professions6

2.1.2 Professionalization of Landscape Architecture and Its Knowledge8

2.1.3 The Existing Scope of Knowledge in Landscape Architecture11

2.1.4 Summary of the Section19

2.2 The Significance of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice20

2.2.1 Definition of Research21

2.2.2 Attitude toward Research21

2.2.3 Use of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice22

2.2.4 Summary of the Section23

2.3 The Need of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice23

2.3.1 Advancing Knowledge in Design Professions23

2.3.2 The Significance of Research28

2.3.3 Summary of the Section29

2.4 The Dissemination of Research Findings by Landscape Architecture Educators29

2.4.1 Research Conducted by Educators in Landscape Architecture30

2.4.2 Research Disseminated by Landscape Architecture Educators33

2.4.3 Summary of the Section35

2.5 Summary of the Chapter35

Chapter Ⅲ Methodology38

3.1 Survey Method38

3.1.1 The Rationale for Selecting the Population and Using an Internet-based Survey Method38

3.1.2 Research Questions and Questionnaire Design39

3.1.3 Sampling Method and Questionnaire Distribution42

3.1.4 Description of Respondents43

3.2 Analysis Method45

3.2.1 Descriptive Statistics45

3.2.2 Comparative Analysis45

3.2.3 Dimension Analysis46

3.3 Summary47

Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion48

4.1 The Concerns of Landscape Architecture Practice49

4.1.1 A Changing Profession49

4.1.2 The Perceived Knowledge-Bases of the Current Practice50

4.1.3 The Changing Perception of Knowledge-Bases51

4.1.4 Knowledge Areas and Domains53

4.1.5 Summary of the Section55

4.2 The Significance of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice56

4.2.1 Definitions of Research56

4.2.2 Attitude toward Research61

4.2.3 Types of Thinking and Sources of Knowledge that Support Decision-Making63

4.2.4 The Purposes of Using Research64

4.2.5 Summary of the Section66

4.3 The Need for Research in Landscape Architecture Practice67

4.3.1 The Importance of Research in Different Design Stages67

4.3.2 Research in Post-Occupancy Evaluation68

4.3.3 Additional Need by Knowledge Areas69

4.3.4 Summary of the Section72

4.4 Dissemination of Research Findings in Landscape Architecture72

4.4.1 Media Used to Obtain New Knowledge in Landscape Architecture73

4.4.2 Knowledge Produced through Research74

4.4.3 Media for Disseminating Research Findings77

4.4.4 Summary of the Section79

4.5 Mapping the Knowledge:A Holistic Interpretation80

4.5.1 Integrating ASLA survey with CELA survey80

4.5.2 Two Dimensions of the Knowledge Map82

4.5.3 Knowledge Map:Constructs and Measures85

4.5.4 Demand and Supply of Research in Knowledge Map93

4.5.5 Summary of the Section96

4.6 Summary of the Chapter99

Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion and Implications101

5.1 Conclusion and Discussion of Major Findings101

5.1.1 The Concerns of Landscape Architecture Practice101

5.1.2 The Significance of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice103

5.1.3 The Need for Research in Landscape Architecture Practice105

5.1.4 Dissemination of Research Findings in Landscape Architecture106

5.2 Implications and Suggestions108

5.2.1 Profession in General108

5.2.2 Educators109

5.2.3 Practitioners110

5.2.4 Professional Organizations110

5.3 Limitations of the Study and Improvements111

5.3.1 A Vague Definition of Research111

5.3.2 Not Being Able to Articulate the Data Once it is Collected112

5.3.3 Differences in the Interpretations of Knowledge Areas112

5.3.4 Sample Representativity112

5.4 Future Research Considerations112

5.5 Summary of the Chapter114


Appendix A Questionnaire Design124

Appendix B Contacting Letters134

Appendix C IRB Approval137

Appendix D Survey Results-General Descriptive Statistics139

Appendix E Survey Results-Histogram156

List of Tables174

List of Figures176
