
机能实验学 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

机能实验学 英文
  • 金春华主编;徐江平,张犁,温克副主编;陈思锋,康毅,郝刚等编者 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030339898
  • 出版时间:2012
  • 标注页数:241页
  • 文件大小:25MB
  • 文件页数:249页
  • 主题词:实验医学-医学院校-教材-英文


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Chapter 1. An Introduction of Functional Experimentation1

Chapter 2. Basic Knowledge and Theory7

Section 1. Biological Characteristics and Application of Commonly Used Laboratory Animals7

Section 2. Biological Data Acquisition Systems13

Section 3. Selection and Design Principles of Medical Scientific Research Topics20

Section 4. Medical Information Retrieval27

Section 5. Writing Methods of Scienti-fic Papers and Lab Reports30

Section 6. Laboratory Safety and Rules35

Chapter 3. Basic Methods of Animal Experiments43

Section 1. Animal Capture and Restraint43

Section 2. Animal Numbering46

Section 3. Drug Administration for Laboratory Animals48

Section 4. Anesthesia of Laboratory Animals52

Section 5. Unhairing of Laboratory Animals57

Section 6. Blood Collection of Laboratory Animals58

Section 7. Euthanasia Methods of Laboratory Animals65

Chapter 4. Basic Techniques in Experimental Animal Surgical Operation67

Section 1. Traditional Surgical Instruments67

Section 2. Technique of Animal Catheteriz ation69

Section 3. Haemostasis and Technique of Knots Making72

Section 4. Technique of Wound Sutures (Stitches)and Sutures Out74

Chapter 5. Basic Experiments76

Experiment 1. The Nature of Muscle Contraction76

Experiment 2. Measurement of Conduction Velocity of Action Potential and Excitability from Neural Trunk78

Experiment 3. Determination of Hemogl-obin Content and Red Blood Cell Osmotic Fragility82

Experiment 4. Premature Contraction and Compensatory Pause84

Experiment 5. Chemicals on the regulation of ex vivo heart activities86

Experiment 6. Measurement of Human Arterial Blood Pressure88

Experiment 7. Recording of Human Ele- ctrocardiogram91

Experiment 8. Pulmonary Function Tests93

Experiment 9. Regulation of Respiratory Movements96

Experiment 10. Physiological Properties of the Isolated Gastrointes- tinal Smoth Muscle98

Experiment 11. Factors That Influencing Urine Formation100

Experiment 12. Damage Effects of Unilat eral Labyrinth and Cochlear Potential Induction from Guinea Pigs103

Experiment 13. Examination of Visual Fields and Scotomas105

Experiment 14. Analysis of Reflex Arc and the Basic Features of the Reflex Activities107

Experiment 15. Experimental Pulmonary Edema in Rabbits111

Experiment 16. Effect of Different Factors on Hypoxic Tolerance113

Experiment 17. Influence of pH of Body Fluids on Drug Absorption114

Experiment 18. One-Compartment Open Model and Calculation of the Pharmacokinetic Parameters115

Experiment 19. Two-Compartment Open Model and Calculation of the Pharmacokinetic Para-meters119

Experiment 20.Determination of Medial Lethal Dose(LD50)of Drug122

Experiment 21.The Antergic Experiments of Drug—the Binding Assay of Radio-Ligand and Receptor123

Experiment 22.Intoxication and Detoxication of Organophosphates126

Experiment 23.Effects of Drugs by Differ-ent Dosage Forms128

Experiment 24.Effects of Drugs by Differ-ent Routes of Administrat-ion130

Experiment 25.Basic Effects of Drugs131

Experiment 26.Factors Influencing Drug Effects133

Experiment 27.Observation of Analgesic Action of Drugs with Wri; thing Method136

Experiment 28.Anticonvulsant Effect of the Drug137

Experiment 29.Effects of Drugs on Lear- ning andMemory ofAnimal (Mice step-down experiment, rat shuttle box expenment, morris watermaze experiment)139

Experiment 30.Effects of Hydrocortisone on Mice Ear Swelling In- duced by Xylol144

Experiment 31. Anti inflammatory Effects of Dexamethasone on Rat Paw Edema145

Experiment 32. Effects of Cardiac Glycosides on Heart Failure147

Experiment 33. Antibacterial Experiment of Antibacterial Agents in Vitro150

Experiment 34. Antibacterial Experiment of Antibacterial Agents in Vivo152

Chapter 6. Comprehensive Experiments157

Experiment 1. Different Types of Hypoxia157

Experiment 2. Hyperkalemia in Rabbits159

Experiment 3. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Rabbit161

Experiment 4. Disorders of Acid-Base Bal-ance and Its Experimental Therapy in Rabbits166

Experiment 5. Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury in Intestine170

Experiment 6. Acute Endotoxic Shoek172

Experiment 7. Hemorrhagic Shock and Ah-erations of Microcirculation in Rabbit175

Experiment 8. Regulation of the Cardiovasc-ular System and Acute Card-iac Failure178

Experiment 9. Effects of Experimental Pn-eumothorax on Respiration, Circulation and Acid-Base Balance in Rabbits183

Experiment 10. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Pharmacoth- erapy186

Experiment 11. Hepatic Encephalopathy and Its Treatment189

Experiment 12. Determination of Endogen-ous Creatinine Clearance Rate and Excretion Fraction of Sodium Filtration in Acute Renal Failure192

Experiment 13. Reproduction of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndr-ome193

Experiment 14. The Effect of Drug and Bio-activator on the Isolated Tracheal Strips of Cavy198

Experiment 15. Determination of the Phar-macokinetic Parameters of Sulfa Drugs in Rabbits with Renal Failure200

Chapter 7. Exploratory Experiments204

Chapter 8. Case Discussion and Paper Analysis205


