唐研究 第2卷【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 荣新江主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
- ISBN:7301032544
- 出版时间:1996
- 标注页数:565页
- 文件大小:31MB
- 文件页数:576页
- 主题词:古代史
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A Study of Chang an s Temples in the Tang Dynasty Sun Changwu1
唐长安佛寺考 孙昌武1
Temples of Evil and Buddhism in Tang Dynasty South China Yan Yaozhong51
唐代江南的淫祠与佛教 严耀中51
唐后期五代宋初沙州的方等道场与方等道场司 郝春文63
BuddhistInitiation Rites and their Administration in Sha Prefecture during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and Early Song Hao Chunwen63
A New Study of the Laozi Huahu Jing Manuscripts from Dunhuang Liu Yi101
敦煌十卷本《老子化胡经》 残卷新探 刘屹101
从永明体到沈宋体——五言律体形成过程之考察 林晓勤121
From Yongming Style to Shensong Style: The Pattern of Wulü Poetry Du Xiaoqin121
A Critical Collection of He Zhuo s Commentaries on Liu Yuxi s Poetry Bian Xiaoxuan167
刘禹锡诗何焯批语考订 卞孝萱167
《目连变》故事基型的素材结构与生成时代之推考——以小名“罗卜”问题为中心 陈允吉215
The Childhood Name Luobo and its Relation to the Sources and Dating of the Màudgalyāyana Transformation Text Story Chen Yunji215
The Compilation and Definition of Archaic Tang Dynasty Words and Expressions Luo Weiming237
唐代词语拾诂 罗维明237
晋唐士族的郡望与士族等级的判定标准——以吴郡清河范阳敦煌张氏郡望之形成为例 郭锋245
The Prestigious Clans of the Jin-Tang Period and the Standards for Ranking Scholar-Official Clans Guo Feng245
隋江都事变考释 刘健明265
On the Jiangdu Incident of the Sui Dynasty Lau Kin Ming265
课绩与考察——唐代文官考核制度发展趋势初探 邓小南295
Assessment and Supervision of Local Officials: The Censorial System of the Tang Dynasty Deng Xiaonan295
唐代前后期内处官地位的变化——以刺史迁转途径为中心 刘诗平325
Changes in the Status of Local and Central Government Officials between the Early and Late Tang Liu Shiping325
从唐代碑志看唐人行第问题 吴丽娱347
Seniority Ranking in Tang Families as Seen from Tang Epitaphs Wu Liyu347
唐代北方家族与岭南溪洞社会 王承文373
Tang Northern Families and the Xidong Society of Lingnan Wang Chengwen373
The Tang s Erting Area and Four Garrisons after the An Lushan Rebellion Chen Guocan415
安史乱后的唐二庭四镇 陈国灿415
Architectural Research on the Tang Huaqing Palace Imperial Bath Ge Chengyong437
唐华清宫沐浴汤池建筑考述 葛承雍437
The Epitaph of Yan Lide s Son Yan Zhuang Excavated in Xi an Zang Zhen455
New Publications455
西安新出阎立德之子阎壮墓志铭 臧振455
方广?主编《藏外佛教文献》第一辑 荣新江463
砂山稔《隋唐道教思想史研究》 葛兆光466
Stephen Teiser, Ghost Festival in Medieval China 杨继东470
张锡厚《敦煌本唐集研究》 徐俊481
Stephen Owen, The Poetry of the Early Tang; The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang 莫砺锋488
堀敏一《中国?古代东アジア世界——中华的世界?诸民族》 韩升506
雷家骥《隋唐中央权力结构及其演进》 刘后滨517
袁刚《隋唐中枢体制的发展演变》 刘后滨526
谢元鲁《唐代中央政权决策研究》 刘后滨531
兴膳宏、川合康三《隋书经籍志详考》 葛兆光536
Denis Twitchett, The Writing of Official History Under the T ang 谢保成541
严耕望《唐代交通图考》第四卷《山剑滇黔区》 蓝勇548
罗丰《固原南郊隋唐墓地》 荣新江555
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