
- 王红欣主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561139780
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:278页
- 文件大小:84MB
- 文件页数:290页
- 主题词:英语-口语-美国
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我爱我家 Family Life1
1.起床 Getting up2
2.吃早餐 Having Breakfast4
3.天气 The Weather6
4.出门上班 Leaving Home for Work8
5.做家务 Doing Housework10
6.看电视 Watching TV12
7.洗衣服 Doing Family Laundry14
8.下班回家 Getting Home from Work16
9.聊天谈心 Chatting18
10.周末计划 Planning the Weekend20
民以食为天 Food Comes First23
11.购买食品 Shopping for Food24
12.烹饪 Cooking26
13.在快餐店 At a Fast-food Restaurant28
14.订购外卖食品 Ordering Take out30
15.喝下午茶 Afternoon Tea32
16.吃零食 Snacks34
17.喝咖啡 Having Coffee36
18.餐馆预订 Making a Restaurant Reservation38
19.谈论菜单 Talking about the Menu40
20.饭菜口味 About the Meal42
身体健康 Health45
21.健康食品 Healthy Food46
22.素食主张 Vegetarianism48
23.问询身体状况 Asking about Health50
24.生病就医 Going to a Doctor52
25.说明症状 Talking about Symptoms54
26.接受身体检查 Having a Physical Checkup56
27.感冒 Having a Cold58
28.看牙医 At the Dentist's60
29.在药房 At the Pharmacist's62
30.心理咨询 Seeing a Psychiatrist64
人在职场 At Work67
31.面试 An Interview68
32.应聘 Job Hunting70
33.日程安排 Making a Schedule72
34.开会 Having a Meeting74
35.接待客人 Receiving Guests76
36.预约见面 Making an Appointment78
37.加班 Working Overtime80
38.加薪 Pay Rise82
39.升职 Promotion84
40.解雇 Dismissal from Job86
购物与理财 Shopping and Financing89
41.购物 Shopping90
42.列购物单 Making a Shopping List92
43.讨价还价 Bargaining94
44.退换货品 Refund or Exchange96
45.买二手货 Buying Second-hand98
46.银行存取 At a Bank100
47.买彩票 Buying a Lottery Ticket102
48.买股票 Buying stock104
49.家庭收支 Family Expenses106
50.付费 Paying Bills108
凡人琐事 Odds and Ends111
51.在邮局 At a Post Office112
52.在裁缝店 At the Tailor's114
53.在加油站 At a Gas Station116
54.在洗衣店 At a Laundry118
55.洗印照片 Having Films Developed120
56.家政服务 Homemaking Service122
57.电信服务 Telecommunication Service124
58.电器维修 Electrical Appliances Repairs126
59.保险业务 Insurance Service128
60.法律咨询 Legal Consultation130
休闲活动 Recreational Activities133
61.健身活动 Body-Building134
62.看电影 Watching Movies136
63.在书店 At a Bookstore138
64.观看比赛 Watching a Game140
65.听音乐 Listening to Music142
66.网上冲浪 Surfing Online144
67.唱卡拉 OK Karaoke146
68.泡吧 At a Bar148
69.外出郊游 Going on an Outing150
70.饲养宠物 Raising Pets152
人际交往 Interpersonal Relations155
71.问候 Greetings156
72.见面介绍 Introducing People158
73.派对邀请 Party Invitations160
74.在派对上 At a Party162
75.拜访 Dropping-in164
76.待客寒暄 Being a Host166
77.告辞 Saying Goodbye168
78.探望病人 Seeing Patients170
79.老友重逢 Seeing an Old Friend172
80.左邻右舍 Between Neighbours174
出门旅行 Career Planning177
81.在旅行社 At a Travel Agency178
82.出外问路 Asking Directions180
83.乘坐交通工具 Transportation182
84.租车 Chartering a Car184
85.预订宾馆 Making a Hotel Reservation186
86.入住酒店 Checking in at a Hotel188
87.结账离店 Checking out at a Hotel190
88.宾馆投诉 Making a Complaint at a Hotel192
89.丢失物品 Lost and Found194
90.紧急求救 Calling for Help in an Emergency 196
时尚美容 Fashion and Beauty199
91.穿着 Dressing up200
92.化妆 Making up202
93.美发 Hairdressing204
94.珠宝首饰 Jewelry206
95.在美容院 At a Beauty Salon208
96.做按摩 Having a Massage210
97.减肥 Losing Weight212
98.使用香水 Using Perfume214
99.购买化妆品 Buying Cosmetics216
100.整容 Plastic Surgery218
校园点滴 Campus Life221
101.入学 Enrollment222
102.选修课程 Selecting Courses224
103.面见导师 Meeting a Tutor226
104.在图书馆 At a Library228
105.课堂讨论 Class Discussions230
106.考试 Exam232
107.兼职工作 Part-time Jobs234
108.在寝室 In the Dorm236
109.同学聚会 Parties238
110.毕业 Graduation240
爱情婚姻 Love and Marriage243
111.爱的表达 Expressing Love244
112.约会 Dating246
113.求婚 Making a Proposal248
114.准备婚礼 Preparing for a Wedding250
115.在婚礼现场 At a Wedding252
116.购房买房 Finding a Home for Love254
117.蜜月旅行 The Honeymoon256
118.夫妻吵架 A Squabble258
119.结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary260
120.妊娠与生产 Pregnancy and Childbirth262
魔法箱 Magic Box264
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