人工智能 一种现代的方法 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 罗素(Russel,S.),诺维格(Norvig,P.)著 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302128294
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:1110页
- 文件大小:126MB
- 文件页数:40186573页
- 主题词:人工智能-高等学校-教材-英文
人工智能 一种现代的方法 第2版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Ⅰ Artificial Intelligence1
1 Introduction1
1.1 What is AI?1
Acting humanly: The Turing Test approach2
Thinking humanly: The cognitive modeling approach3
Thinking rationally: The “laws of thought” approach4
Acting rationally: The rational agent approach4
1.2 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence5
Philosophy (428 B.C.-present)5
Mathematics (c.800-present)7
Economics (1776-present)9
Neuroscience (1861-present)10
Psychology (1879-present)12
Computer engineering (1940-present)14
Control theory and Cybernetics (1948-present)15
Linguistics (1957-present)16
1.3 The History of Artificial Intelligence16
The gestation of artificial intelligence (1943-1955)16
The birth of artificial intelligence (1956)17
Early enthusiasm, great expectations (1952-1969)18
A dose of reality (1966-1973)21
Knowledge-based systems: The key to power? (1969-1979)22
Al becomes an industry (1980-present)24
The return of neural networks (1986-present)25
AI becomes a science (1987-present)25
The emergence of intelligent agents (1995-present)27
1.4 The State of the Art27
1.5 Summary28
Bibliographical and Historical Notes29
2 Intelligent Agents32
2.1 Agents and Environments32
2.2 Good Behavior: The Concept of Rationality34
Performance measures35
Omniscience, learning, and autonomy36
2.3 The Nature of Environments38
Specifying the task environment38
Properties of task environments40
2.4 The Structure of Agents44
Agent programs44
Simple reflex agents46
Model-based reflex agents48
Goal-based agents49
Utility-based agents51
Learning agents51
2.5 Summary54
Bibliographical and Historical Notes55
Ⅱ Problem-solving59
3 Solving Problems by Searching59
3.1 Problem-Solving Agents59
Well-defined problems and solutions62
Formulating problems62
3.2 Example Problems64
Toy problems64
Real-world problems67
3.3 Searching for Solutions69
Measuring problem-solving performance71
3.4 Uninformed Search Strategies73
Breadth-first search73
Depth-first search75
Depth-limited search77
Iterative deepening depth-first search78
Bidirectional search79
Comparing uninformed search strategies81
3.5 Avoiding Repeated States81
3.6 Searching with Partial Information83
Sensorless problems84
Contingency problems86
3.7 Summary87
Bibliographical and Historical Notes88
4 Informed Search and Exploration94
4.1 Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies94
Greedy best-first search95
A search: Minimizing the total estimated solution cost97
Memory-bounded heuristic search101
Learning to search better104
4.2 Heuristic Functions105
The effect of heuristic accuracy on performance106
Inventing admissible heuristic functions107
Learning heuristics from experience109
4.3 Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems110
Hill-climbing search111
Simulated annealing search115
Local beam search115
Genetic algorithms116
4.4 Local Search in Continuous Spaces119
4.5 Online Search Agents and Unknown Environments122
Online search problems123
Online search agents125
Online local search126
Learning in online search127
4.6 Summary129
Bibliographical and Historical Notes130
5 Constraint Satisfaction Problems137
5.1 Constraint Satisfaction Problems137
5.2 Backtracking Search for CSPs141
Variable and value ordering143
Propagating information through constraints144
Intelligent backtracking: looking backward148
5.3 Local Search for Constraint Satisfaction Problems150
5.4 The Structure of Problems151
5.5 Summary155
Bibliographical and Historical Notes156
6 Adversarial Search161
6.1 Games161
6.2 Optimal Decisions in Games162
Optimal strategies163
The minimax algorithm165
Optimal decisions in multiplayer games165
6.3 Alpha-Beta Pruning167
6.4 Imperfect, Real-Time Decisions171
Evaluation functions171
Cutting off search173
6.5 Games That Include an Element of Chance175
Position evaluation in games with chance nodes177
Complexity of expectiminimax177
Card games179
6.6 State-of-the-Art Game Programs180
6.7 Discussion183
6.8 Summary185
Bibliographical and Historical Notes186
Ⅲ Knowledge and reasoning194
7 Logical Agents194
7.1 Knowledge-Based Agents195
7.2 The Wumpus World197
7.3 Logic200
7.4 Propositional Logic: A Very Simple Logic204
A simple knowledge base208
Equivalence, validity, and satisfiability210
7.5 Reasoning Patterns in Propositional Logic211
Forward and backward chaining217
7.6 Effective propositional inference220
A complete backtracking algorithm221
Local-search algorithms222
Hard satisfiability problems224
7.7 Agents Based on Propositional Logic225
Finding pits and wumpuses using logical inference225
Keeping track of location and orientation227
Circuit-based agents227
A comparison231
7.8 Summary232
Bibliographical and Historical Notes233
8 First-Order Logic240
8.1 Representation Revisited240
8.2 Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic245
Models for first-order logic245
Symbols and interpretations246
Atomic sentences248
Complex sentences249
8.3 Using First-Order Logic253
Assertions and queries in first-order logic253
The kinship domain254
Numbers, sets, and lists256
The wumpus world258
8.4 Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic260
The knowledge engineering process261
The electronic circuits domain262
8.5 Summary266
Bibliographical and Historical Notes267
9 Inference in First-Order Logic272
9.1 Propositional vs.First-Order Inference272
Inference rules for quantifiers273
Reduction to propositional inference274
9.2 Unification and Lifting275
A first-order inference rule275
Storage and retrieval278
9.3 Forward Chaining280
First-order definite clauses280
A simple forward-chaining algorithm281
Efficient forward chaining283
9.4 Backward Chaining287
A backward chaining algorithm287
Logic programming289
Efficient implementation of logic programs290
Redundant inference and infinite loops292
Constraint logic programming294
9.5 Resolution295
Conjunctive normal form for first-order logic295
The resolution inference rule297
Example proofs297
Completeness of resolution300
Dealing with equality303
Resolution strategies304
Theorem provers306
9.6 Summary310
Bibliographical and Historical Notes310
10 Knowledge Representation320
10.1 Ontological Engineering320
10.2 Categories and Objects322
Physical composition324
Substances and objects327
10.3 Actions, Situations, and Events328
The ontology of situation calculus329
Describing actions in situation calculus330
Solving the representational frame problem332
Solving the inferential frame problem333
Time and event calculus334
Generalized events335
Fluents and objects339
10.4 Mental Events and Mental Objects341
A formal theory of beliefs341
Knowledge and belief343
Knowledge, time, and action344
10.5 The Internet Shopping World344
Comparing offers348
10.6 Reasoning Systems for Categories349
Semantic networks350
Description logics353
10.7 Reasoning with Default Information354
Open and closed worlds354
Negation as failure and stable model semantics356
Circumscription and default logic358
10.8 Truth Maintenance Systems360
10.9 Summary362
Bibliographical and Historical Notes363
Ⅳ Planning375
11 Planning375
11.1 The Planning Problem375
The language of planning problems377
Expressiveness and extensions378
Example: Air cargo transport380
Example: The spare tire problem381
Example: The blocks world381
11.2 Planning with State-Space Search382
Forward state-space search382
Backward state-space search384
Heuristics for state-space search386
11.3 Partial-Order Planning387
A partial-order planning example391
Partial-order planning with unbound variables393
Heuristics for partial-order planning394
11.4 Planning Graphs395
Planning graphs for heuristic estimation397
The GRAPHPLAN algorithm398
Termination of GRAPHPLAN401
11.5 Planning with Propositional Logic402
Describing planning problems in propositional logic402
Complexity of propositional encodings405
11.6 Analysis of Planning Approaches407
11.7 Summary408
Bibliographical and Historical Notes409
12 Planning and Acting in the Real World417
12.1 Time, Schedules, and Resources417
Scheduling with resource constraints420
12.2 Hierarchical Task Network Planning422
Representing action decompositions423
Modifying the planner for decompositions425
12.3 Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains430
12.4 Conditional Planning433
Conditional planning in fully observable environments433
Conditional planning in partially observable environments437
12.5 Execution Monitoring and Replanning441
12.6 Continuous Planning445
12.7 MultiAgent Planning449
Cooperation: Joint goals and plans450
Multibody planning451
Coordination mechanisms452
12.8 Summary454
Bibliographical and Historical Notes455
Ⅴ Uncertain knowledge and reasoning462
13 Uncertainty462
13.1 Acting under Uncertainty462
Handling uncertain knowledge463
Uncertainty and rational decisions465
Design for a decision-theoretic agent466
13.2 Basic Probability Notation466
Atomic events468
Prior probability468
Conditional probability470
13.3 The Axioms of Probability471
Using the axioms of probability473
Why the axioms of probability are reasonable473
13.4 Inference Using Full Joint Distributions475
13.5 Independence477
13.6 Bayes' Rule and Its Use479
Applying Bayes' rule: The simple case480
Using Bayes' rule: Combining evidence481
13.7 The Wumpus World Revisited483
13.8 Summary486
Bibliographical and Historical Notes487
14 Probabilistic Reasoning492
14.1 Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain492
14.2 The Semantics of Bayesian Networks495
Representing the full joint distribution495
Conditional independence relations in Bayesian networks499
14.3 Efficient Representation of Conditional Distributions500
14.4 Exact Inference in Bayesian Networks504
Inference by enumeration504
The variable elimination algorithm507
The complexity of exact inference509
Clustering algorithms510
14.5 Approximate Inference in Bayesian Networks511
Direct sampling methods511
Inference by Markov chain simulation516
14.6 Extending Probability to First-Order Representations519
14.7 Other Approaches to Uncertain Reasoning523
Rule-based methods for uncertain reasoning524
Representing ignorance: Dempster-Shafer theory525
Representing vagueness: Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic526
14.8 Summary528
Bibliographical and Historical Notes528
15 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time537
15.1 Time and Uncertainty537
States and observations538
Stationary processes and the Markov assumption538
15.2 Inference in Temporal Models541
Filtering and prediction542
Finding the most likely sequence547
15.3 Hidden Markov Models549
Simplified matrix algorithms549
15.4 Kalman Filters551
Updating Gaussian distributions553
A simple one-dimensional example554
The general case556
Applicability of Kalman filtering557
15.5 Dynamic Bayesian Networks559
Constructing DBNs560
Exact inference in DBNs563
Approximate inference in DBNs565
15.6 Speech Recognition568
Speech sounds570
Building a speech recognizer576
15.7 Summary578
Bibliographical and Historical Notes578
16 Making Simple Decisions584
16.1 Combining Beliefs and Desires under Uncertainty584
16.2 The Basis of Utility Theory586
Constraints on rational preferences586
And then there was Utility588
16.3 Utility Functions589
The utility of money589
Utility scales and utility assessment591
16.4 Multiattribute Utility Functions593
Preference structure and multiattribute utility596
16.5 Decision Networks597
Representing a decision problem with a decision network598
Evaluating decision networks599
16.6 The Value of Information600
A simple example600
A general formula601
Properties of the value of information602
Implementing an information-gathering agent603
16.7 Decision-Theoretic Expert Systems604
16.8 Summary607
Bibliographical and Historical Notes607
17 Making Complex Decisions613
17.1 Sequential Decision Problems613
An example613
Optimality in sequential decision problems616
17.2 Value Iteration618
Utilities of states619
The value iteration algorithm620
Convergence of value iteration620
17.3 Policy Iteration624
17.4 Partially observable MDPs625
17.5 Decision-Theoretic Agents629
17.6 Decisions with Multiple Agents: Game Theory631
17.7 Mechanism Design640
17.8 Summary643
Bibliographical and Historical Notes644
Ⅵ Learning649
18 Learning from Observations649
18.1 Forms of Learning649
18.2 Inductive Learning651
18.3 Learning Decision Trees653
Decision trees as performance elements653
Expressiveness of decision trees655
Inducing decision trees from examples655
Choosing attribute tests659
Assessing the performance of the learning algorithm660
Noise and overfitting661
Broadening the applicability of decision trees663
18.4 Ensemble Learning664
18.5 Why Learning Works: Computational Learning Theory668
How many examples are needed?669
Learning decision lists670
18.6 Summary673
Bibliographical and Historical Notes674
19 Knowledge in Learning678
19.1 A Logical Formulation of Learning678
Examples and hypotheses678
Current-best-hypothesis search680
Least-commitment search683
19.2 Knowledge in Learning686
Some simple examples687
Some general schemes688
19.3 Explanation-Based Learning690
Extracting general rules from examples691
Improving efficiency693
19.4 Learning Using Relevance Information694
Determining the hypothesis space695
Learning and using relevance information695
19.5 Inductive Logic Programming697
An example699
Top-down inductive learning methods701
Inductive learning with inverse deduction703
Making discoveries with inductive logic programming705
19.6 Summary707
Bibliographical and Historical Notes708
20 Statistical Learning Methods712
20.1 Statistical Learning712
20.2 Learning with Complete Data716
Maximum-likelihood parameter learning: Discrete models716
Naive Bayes models718
Maximum-likelihood parameter learning: Continuous models719
Bayesian parameter learning720
Learning Bayes net structures722
20.3 Lerning with Hidden Variables: The EM Algorithm724
Unsupervised clustering: Learning mixtures of Gaussians725
Learning Bayesian networks with hidden variables727
Learning hidden Markov models731
The general form of the EM algorithm731
Learning Bayes net structures with hidden variables732
20.4 Instance-Based Learning733
Nearest-neighbor models733
Kernel models735
20.5 Neural Networks736
Units in neural networks737
Network structures738
Single layer feed-forward neural networks (perceptrons)740
Multilayer feed-forward neural networks744
Learning neural network structures748
20.6 Kernel Machines749
20.7 Case Study: Handwritten Digit Recognition752
20.8 Summary754
Bibliographical and Historical Notes755
21 Reinforcement Learning763
21.1 Introduction763
21.2 Passive Reinforcement Learning765
Direct utility estimation766
Adaptive dynamic programming767
Temporal difference learning767
21.3 Active Reinforcement Learning771
Learning an Action-Value Function775
21.4 Generalization in Reinforcement Learning777
Applications to game-playing780
Application to robot control780
21.5 Policy Search781
21.6 Summary784
Bibliographical and Historical Notes785
Ⅶ Communicating, perceiving, and acting790
22 Communication790
22.1 Communication as Action790
Fundamentals of language791
The component steps of communication792
22.2 A Formal Grammar for a Fragment of English795
The Lexicon of ε0795
The Grammar of ε0796
22.3 Syntactic Analysis (Parsing)798
Efficient parsing800
22.4 Augmented Grammars806
Verb subcategorization808
Generative capacity of augmented grammars809
22.5 Semantic Interpretation810
The semantics of an English fragment811
Time and tense812
Pragmatic Interpretation815
Language generation with DCGs817
22.6 Ambiguity and Disambiguation818
22.7 Discourse Understanding821
Reference resolution821
The structure of coherent discourse823
22.8 Grammar Induction824
22.9 Summary826
Bibliographical and Historical Notes827
23 Probabilistic Language Processing834
23.1 Probabilistic Language Models834
Probabilistic context-free grammars836
Learning probabilities for PCFGs839
Learning rule structure for PCFGs840
23.2 Information Retrieval840
Evaluating IR systems842
IR refinements844
Presentation of result sets845
Implementing IR systems846
23.3 Information Extraction848
23.4 Machine Translation850
Machine translation systems852
Statistical machine translation853
Learning probabilities for machine translation856
23.5 Summary857
Bibliographical and Historical Notes858
24 Perception863
24.1 Introduction863
24.2 Image Formation865
Images without lenses: the pinhole camera865
Lens systems866
Light: the photometry of image formation867
Color: the spectrophotometry of image formation868
24.3 Early Image Processing Operations869
Edge detection870
Image segmentation872
24.4 Extracting Three-Dimensional Information873
Binocular stereopsis876
Texture gradients879
24.5 Object Recognition885
Brightness-based recognition887
Feature-based recognition888
Pose Estimation890
24.6 Using Vision for Manipulation and Navigation892
24.7 Summary894
Bibliographical and Historical Notes895
25 Robotics901
25.1 Introduction901
25.2 Robot Hardware903
25.3 Robotic Perception907
Other types of perception915
25.4 Planning to Move916
Configuration space916
Cell decomposition methods919
Skeletonization methods922
25.5 Planning uncertain movements923
Robust methods924
25.6 Moving926
Dynamics and control927
Potential field control929
Reactive control930
25.7 Robotic Software Architectures932
Subsumption architecture932
Three-layer architecture933
Robotic programming languages934
25.8 Application Domains935
25.9 Summary938
Bibliographical and Historical Notes939
Ⅷ Conclusions947
26 Philosophical Foundations947
26.1 Weak AI: Can Machines Act Intelligently?947
The argument from disability948
The mathematical objection949
The argument from informality950
26.2 Strong AI: Can Machines Really Think?952
The mind-body problem954
The “brain in a vat” experiment955
The brain prosthesis experiment956
The Chinese room958
26.3 The Ethics and Risks of Developing Artificial Intelligence960
26.4 Summary964
Bibliographical and Historical Notes964
27 AI: Present and Future968
27.1 Agent Components968
27.2 Agent Architectures970
27.3 Are We Going in the Right Direction?972
27.4 What if AI Does Succeed?974
A Mathematical background977
A.1 Complexity Analysis and O() Notation977
Asymptotic analysis977
NP and inherently hard problems978
A.2 Vectors, Matrices, and Linear Algebra979
A.3 Probability Distributions981
Bibliographical and Historical Notes983
B Notes on Languages and Algorithms984
B.1 Defining Languages with Backus-Naur Form (BNF)984
B.2 Describing Algorithms with Pseudocode985
B.3 Online Help985
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