幽默图画英语一句通 俗语【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 萧林编写;董杰等绘画 著
- 出版社: 上海:东方出版中心
- ISBN:7806279849
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:197页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:213页
- 主题词:
幽默图画英语一句通 俗语PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 A drop won t hurt 喝一点酒没关系。1
2 A word is a word 一言为定!2
3 All systems go 万事俱备。3
4 All you can eat 吃饱为止。4
5 Are you following me 你听懂了吗?5
6 Ask and have 求则得之。6
7 Beginning is always difficult 万事开头难。7
8 Better late than never 迟做总比不做强。8
9 Break a leg 祝你好运!9
10 Business is business 公事公办。10
11 Congratulations on your success 恭贺成功!11
12 Do nothing by halves 切勿半途而废。12
13 Don t beat around the bush 别拐弯抹角的!13
14 Don t dilly-dally 别磨磨蹭蹭的!14
15 Don t get me wrong 别误会我的意思。15
16 Don t lose heart 别灰心。16
17 Don t stand on ceremony 别拘束!17
18 Don t try any tricks 不要耍花招!18
19 Dreams go by contraies 白日做梦一场空。19
20 Easier said than done 说时容易做时难。20
21 Eat you fill please 请吃个够!21
22 Enough is enough 够了!22
23 Every minute counls 时间紧迫。23
24 Everything comes to light 事情总会水落石出。24
25 Few words are best 少说为佳。25
26 Fire and water do not agree 水火不相容。26
27 First things first 最重要的事情最先做。27
28 Give me a hand 帮我一个忙。28
29 Give me the bill please 请结账!29
30 Go for it 大胆说;说下去。30
31 Gosh, I had no idea 天哪,我真没想到!31
32 Handsome is that handsome does 行为美才是真正的美。32
33 happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐!33
34 Have a good time 祝你玩得开心!34
35 He goes bananas 他要发疯了。35
36 He has gone to the dogs 他是穷途末路了。36
37 He is dead to the world 睡得真香。37
38 He is agreeable and easy-going 他平易近人。38
39 He is a pain in the neck 真烦人!39
40 He is a pawn in the game 他是个无名不卒!40
41 He is as free as a bird 他无忧无虑。41
42 He is double-crossed 口是心非。42
43 He is second to none 他是一流的。43
44 He made half-hearted attempt 他敷衍塞责。44
45 Here s something for you 这是一点心意。45
46 He rums round in circles 他忙得团团转。46
47 He turns me off 他令人厌恶。47
48 He was in his birthday suit 他光着身子。48
49 Home sweet home 在家甜蜜蜜。49
50 How are things going 情况怎么样了?50
51 How are you doing 你最近怎么样?51
52 How time flies 时间过得真快呀!52
53 I can find a way out 我能找到出路。53
54 I can t believe this 我简直不敢相信!54
55 I couldn t agree more 我完全同意。55
56 I cram for a test 我临时抱佛脚。56
57 I got it for nothing 我白得的。57
58 I hate all this hot air 我讨厌这些空谈。58
59 I have a sweet tooth 我喜欢甜食。59
60 I have butterflies in my stomach 我心里忐忑不安。60
61 I have eggs on the spit 忙得不可开交。61
62 I have no idea 我不知道。62
63 I have other fish to fry 我另有打算。63
64 I have tried my best 我已尽力了!64
65 I hit a snag 我碰到了棘手的问题。65
66 I ll take it 我买了。66
67 I m against it 我反对。67
68 I m all ears 洗耳恭听。68
69 I m as hungry as a bear 我饿极了。69
70 I m falling to pieces 我感到乱糟糟的。70
71 I m on my last legs 我是山穷水尽了。71
72 I nearly died laughing 我笑死了。72
73 I need your shoulder 我需要你的安慰。73
74 I never talk back 我从不顶嘴。74
75 I smell a rat 我觉得可疑。75
76 I ve gained much weight 我胖了很多。76
77 I was climbing the wall 我要急疯了!77
78 I was in deep water 我处境艰难。78
79 I wasn t with you 我没听懂你的话。79
80 I won it by a fluke 我侥幸获胜。80
81 It burst his bubble 他的希望破灭了。81
82 It couldn t be better 再好不过了!82
83 It doesn t wake sense 真无法理解。83
84 It may come in handy 说不定会有用。84
85 It sounded like a threat 这话听起来像是威胁。85
86 It was a smash hit 非常成功!86
87 It will clear up 天将晴起来。87
88 It s a deal 说定了!88
89 It s a drop in the ocean 这只是沧海一粟。89
90 It s an act of God 这是人力不可抗拒的!90
91 It s a yeal bargain 真的很便宜。91
92 It s as easy as pie 这太容易了。92
93 It s as plain as day 这很清楚。93
94 It s beyond me 我不明白。94
95 It s just the job 这正是我所需要的。95
96 It s meat and drink to me 这是我极大的兴趣。96
97 It s mere conjecture 这纯属猜测。97
98 It s music to my ears 这是我喜欢听的。98
99 It s no laughing matter 这不是闹着玩的。99
100 It s none of your business 不要多管闲事!100
101 It s not the case 并非如此。101
102 It s on the house 这是免费赠送的。102
103 It s out of the world 非常好吃。103
104 It s raining cats and dogs 下着倾盆大雨。104
105 It s slipped my mind 我记不得了。105
106 It s small wonder 那是不足为奇的。106
107 It s the last straw 忍无可忍。107
108 It s the same old story 这是老生常谈。108
109 Just like we planned 正如所料。109
110 Keep your chin up 别丧气!110
111 Keep your shirt on 别生气!111
112 Leave well alone 无事莫多事。112
113 Let bygones be bygones 过去的事就让它过去吧。113
114 Let me be your banker 我可以借钱给你。114
115 Let s go Dutch 咱们各付各的账。115
116 Let s go for a joy ride 咱们去兜兜风!116
117 Let s live it up 咱们去狂欢一场!117
118 Let s make peace 咱们讲和吧!118
119 Let s stay in touch 希望我们常联系。119
120 Let s talk man to man 让我们推心置腹谈谈。120
121 Let s wait and see 我们拭目以待吧!121
122 Long time no see 好久不见了!122
123 Look before you leap 三思而后行。123
124 Make haste slowly 慢中求快。124
125 May our friendship last forever 愿我们的友谊长存!125
126 Men have different taster 人之嗜好各不同。126
127 Mind your manners 要讲礼貌!127
128 My heart is not in it 我对此没兴趣。128
129 Never forget a kindness 你的好意我永记在心。129
130 Never is a long word 不要轻易说“不”。130
131 Never on your life 你休想!131
132 Nothing comes from nothing 无中不能生有。132
133 Not that I konw of 我不知道那事。133
134 Old age comes on apace 老来日子快。134
135 Old idea die hard 老观念很难消失。135
136 Please accept my season s greetings 请接受我节日的祝贺!136
137 Save for a rainy day 留着以备急需。137
138 Self do, self have 自作自受。138
139 Shall I make an offer 可以讲价吗?139
140 She talks her head off 她总是说个不停。140
141 So far, so good 到目前为止,一切顺利。141
142 So said, so done 说到做到。142
143 Soccess has turned his head 胜利冲昏了他的头脑。143
144 Take it or leave it 要就拿走,不要拉倒。144
145 Take my word fot it 相信我的话准没错。145
146 Take your beauty sleep 你睡一小会儿吧。146
147 Thanks for the trouble 让你费神了。147
148 That cat won t jump 此法行不通。148
149 That is an out-and-out lie 这是弥天大谎。149
150 That is a trying situation 那是一个尴尬的局面。150
151 That remains to be seen 那得走着瞧。151
152 That sounds inviting 那听起来很吸引人。152
153 That would be a great buy 那将是一笔很划算的交易。153
154 That s a fish story 那是无稽之谈!154
155 That s a joke 这是不真的!155
156 That s an old wife s tale 纯属无稽之谈。156
157 That s the beauty of it 妙就妙在这一点上。157
158 That s my cup of tea 这我是擅长的事。158
159 That s nothing 那没啥了不起的!159
160 That s ridiculous 这真荒唐!160
161 That s Smith all over 史密斯就是这么个人。161
162 That s something 真了不起!162
163 That s too bad 太糟了!163
164 That s up to you 一切由你决定!164
165 The beautiful can never die 美是永恒的。165
166 The game ended in a draw 比赛打成了平局。166
167 The rain is letting up 雨小了。167
168 Things go across 诸事顺利。168
169 Things look black 事情不妙。169
170 This is a double-talk 这是自相矛盾的话。170
171 This is an OK idea 这是个行得通的主意。171
172 Time will tell 时间会证明一切的。172
173 Today is my treat 今天我请客。173
174 Today is not my day 今天真倒霉。174
175 Tom likes to boss 汤姆喜欢发号施令。175
176 We really had a ball 我们玩得很高兴。176
177 We stand a good chance 我们赢的机会很大。177
178 What brings you here 什么风把你吹来的?178
179 What must be must be 要发生的事总要发生。179
180 What s done is done 覆水难收。180
181 What s the big hurry 为什么那样急?181
182 What s the score 比分是多少?182
183 Why are you on edge 你怎么这么紧张不安?183
184 Wish you all the best 祝你一切顺利!184
185 You are in the pink 你身体非常健康。185
186 You can bet on that 你说对了。186
187 You eat like a horse 你吃得真多。187
188 You have a big mouth 你真多嘴。188
189 You have a good taste 你很有眼力。189
190 You left me holding the bag 你让我背黑锅。190
191 You look blue 你看起来很沮丧。191
192 Your time is now 你的机会就在眼前。192
193 You ve done a great job 你干得不错。193
194 You ve gotten the picture 你明白事情的真相了。194
195 You will get it 你会受到惩罚的。195
196 You will get mowhere 你将一事无成。196
197 You wil miss the bus 你会坐失良机的。197
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