
- 张学忠,高鹏,戴卫平等主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:9787561144893
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:351页
- 文件大小:138MB
- 文件页数:360页
- 主题词:英语-口语
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第一部分 掌握基本功能口语1
001 Ability 能力1
002 Cause 原因3
003 Necessity 必要4
004 Obligation 义务6
005 Opinion 观点8
006 Permission 许可11
007 Possibility and Impossibility 可能与不可能14
008 Rememberance 记忆16
009 Annoyance 恼怒18
010 Complaint 抱怨20
011 Disappointment 失望23
012 Distress 苦恼25
013 Indifference 冷漠27
014 Surprise 惊奇29
015 Sympathy 同情31
016 Wish 祝愿34
017 Advice 忠告36
018 Agreement and Disagreement 同意与不同意39
019 Approval and Disapproval 赞成和不赞成41
020 Belief and Disbelief 相信与不相信43
021 Certainty and Uncertainty 肯定与不肯定45
022 Congratulation 祝贺48
023 Gratitude 感谢51
024 Like and Dislike 喜欢与不喜欢53
025 Praise 表扬55
026 Preference 偏爱57
027 Refusal 拒绝60
028 Reluctance 勉强62
029 Reproach 责备64
030 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction 满意与不满意66
031 Apology 道歉68
032 Comparison 比较71
033 Decision 决定73
034 Description 描述75
035 Excuse 借口78
036 Invitation 邀请79
037 Lost 丢失82
038 Offer 提供帮助84
039 Prohibition 禁止86
040 Promise 允诺88
041 Repetition 重述90
042 Request 请求93
043 Suggestion 建议95
044 Supposition 猜测98
045 Urge 催促100
046 Warning 警告102
第二部分 熟练日常生活口语105
047 Greetings 问候105
American Logic 美国人的逻辑107
048 Introduction 介绍108
Ways to Introduce Others 介绍他人111
049 Daily Routine 日常活动113
A Typist Routine 打字员的一天114
050 Apartment 公寓116
Buying a New Apartment 购买新居118
051 Telephone 电话120
Getting Away from the Telephone 远离电话的烦恼122
052 Direction 问路124
A Bright Excuse 聪明的借口125
053 Information 信息128
Topics to Avoid 回避的话题129
054 Shopping 购物131
How to Compare Prices 价格比较诀窍133
055 Post Office 邮局135
Functions of the Post Office 邮局的职能137
056 Hospital 医院138
A Weird Case 奇闻怪事141
057 Reservation 预订143
American Hotels 美国的旅馆145
058 Restaurant 餐馆146
A Smart Diner 聪明的食客148
059 Hotel 旅馆150
Hotels Today 今日旅馆152
060 Job 工作154
A Picky Boss 挑剔的老板156
061 Library 图书馆158
Modern Library Management 现代图书馆管理160
062 Bank 银行162
Being Economical 精打细算164
063 Bookstore 书店166
How Did I Get Three Copies 三本书的来历168
064 Tailor's 裁缝店169
Ready to Wear and Tailor Made 量体裁衣171
065 Barbers and Hairdresser's 理发与美发173
A smart Way to Choose a Barber 选择理发师的高见175
066 Traffic 交通177
Crossing the Street Fearfully 提心吊胆过马路178
067 Bus 公共汽车180
Miserable Commuters 通勤人员的苦恼182
068 Taxi 出租车184
An Unlucky Passenger 倒霉的乘客185
069 Train 火车187
A Lucky Passenger 幸运的乘客188
070 Airport 机场190
A Flight Accident 空中意外192
071 Customs 海关194
A Smuggler 走私者195
第三部分 关注社会话题口语195
072 School 学校198
Proprietary Schools 股份制学校199
073 Course 课程202
A Notice about the Coming Exam 考试须知203
074 Language 语言205
The Best Way to Study Foreign Languages 学习外语的最佳方法207
075 English 英语209
A Random Thought about English 英语漫谈210
076 Book 书籍212
077 Teacher 教师214
The Most Unforgettable Teacher 最难忘的老师215
078 Study Abroad 国外学习217
An Unforgettable English Study Experience 难忘的英语学习经历219
079 Computer 计算机221
The Computer's Various Uses 计算机的用途223
080 Internet 上网225
Electronic Commerce 电子商务227
081 Interview 面试229
An Interview of Parents 采访家长会231
082 Food 食物233
Are Flies Good to Eat? “苍蝇好吃吗?”234
083 House 房子236
My New House 我的新家237
084 Marriage 婚姻239
Communication and Happy Marriage 沟通与美满婚姻241
085 Wedding 婚礼243
086 Car 小汽车244
My Opinion of the Car 品评汽车246
087 Exercise 锻炼248
A True Definition of Fitness 真正的健康250
088 Diet 节食252
A Scientific Diet 科学的饮食习惯254
089 Festival 节日255
Christmas 圣诞节257
090 Season 季节259
091 Weather 天气260
The Climate in the US 美国的气候262
092 Time 时间264
093 Date 日期266
094 Describing People 描述人268
A Friend No More 以前的朋友269
095 Smoking 吸烟271
Cigarettes Should Be Forbidden by Law 依法戒烟272
096 World Trade Organization 世贸组织274
第四部分 学会消遣娱乐口语274
097 Party 聚会277
Benefits of Attending Parties 聚会的好处多278
098 Weekend 周末280
Leasure Activities 休闲方式282
099 Vacation 假日284
Crashing into a Pig 撞猪记286
100 Visit 拜访288
My Grandparents 我的外公和外婆290
101 Picnic 野餐291
A Picnic in The Countryside 野游趣事293
102 Trip 旅行294
Catching a Train 赶火车296
103 Sightseeing 观光298
Asking for Travel Information 旅游咨询300
104 Ticket 购票301
Types of Train Tickets 各种各样的火车票303
105 Photograph 拍照305
A Record of the Past 珍藏岁月306
106 Birthday 生日308
Birthday Celebration 过生日310
107 Dance 舞会312
Being Addicted to Dancing 舞迷314
108 Music 音乐315
The Magical Power of Music 音乐的魅力317
109 Concert 音乐会319
Terrible Jazz Music 糟糕的爵士乐321
110 Movie 电影323
An Effective Cure—Seeing a Movie 电影疗法325
111 Television 电视327
The Bad Effect of Television 电视的弊端328
112 Theater 剧院330
Seeing a Play in London 在伦敦看剧332
113 Song 歌曲333
An Amusing Way to Study English 寓学于乐学英语335
114 Sport 运动337
The Origin of Track and Field Events 田径项目的由来339
115 Newspaper and Magazine 报纸杂志340
Love for Reading Newspapers 读报情结342
116 Olympic Games 奥运会344
117 Hobby 爱好346
Stamp-Collection 集邮348
118 Humor 幽默350
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